Neka! We need your help!

I woke up back on the couch. I had a dream about Kyuubi, but it wasn't about the kiss. I saw him leaving us...
I looked around the room, Kaku and Kyuubi weren't there.
"Why did no one wake me up?!" I yelled at the empty beds.
Just then the door burst open!
"Neka,Neka, Neka!!!" screamed Shukaku, Kaku, Raijuu.
They all gathered around me, and they were all speaking at the same time so I couldn't understand.
"QUIET!!!!" I yelled.
Then they coward behind Shukaku.
"What's going on? Can't I get some sleep?" Houkou said standing in the doorway.
I turned to Houkou. "I have no idea."
"Uh! Kyuubi ran away!" Shukaku blurted out.
I turned horrified. My kiss couldn't make him want to leave? Could it?
"Wha?" I only could say.
"He yelled at Misa, then just walked off!" Kaku spoke up.
"Yeah, Misa and Chii were in jail!" explained Raijuu.
I relaxed a little. So it wasn't my whole fault then.
"So...Where's Misa and Chii then?" I asked.
"Misa ran off crying so Chii folowed her." Shukaku explained.
"Then why did you get me and not follow Kyuubi??" I asked getting frustrated.
They all took glances at each other. Then shrugged.
" I guess they thought you have the answer." shrugged Houkou now moving closer toward the group.
"Can't you use a jutsu to see were Kyuubi is?" asked Kaku.
"Oh yeah! I can use that and we can find Kyuubi!" I yelled.
I used the jutsu and saw him about leave on a boat.

"I found him! Follow me!" I yelled, not caring that I was a black silk robe.

(I leave the rest to DeidaraNarutoClan to write! ^_~)
