Shukaku and The Three Demons Part 1

Here are the new members before ya read this:

Eka (called Eka-san)/ Two tailed wolf demon, girl w/ blue eyes, long brown hair, white t-shirt and blue jeans, tails show.

peillii = Chii/Cat demon, girl w/ short pink hair, cat eyes, blue sweater, white skirt

DEIDARATOBICLAN = Tara/7 tailed white leopard demon, girl with silver/white short hair black t-shirt, navy blue jacket hood up to hide ears, blue jeans, grayish yellow eyes
I was on my bed, reading the note that Hachi gave everyone.

Dear Everyone,

Going to Spa. See ya in 2 days. I'll call you when I need help.

Your Buddy,


As I lay on my pillow, staring at the ceiling bored, Misa was eating rice balls the shape of a fox. Then the phone rang.

"I get it!" Misa yelled loudly. She picked up the phone and started talking. I listened.

"Hi Buddy! Who are you? Eka-San. That's a pretty name. I'm Misa! Uh huh. Uh huh. Sure you can have a block party in my house. I'm all alone."

My little sister is a liar. Now I have to stay here in order to protect Misa. The doorbell rang. I rushed to the door and answered it. A girl with short pink hair, cat eyes, blue sweater, and white skirt.

"Hi ya! I'm Chii. Is the party here?" Chii meowed. Great. A pink cat.

"Big Brother, can I be here alone? I'm old enough." Misa insisted. I couldn't take the cute eyes.

"Sure. Don't destroy the house and save me some pizza."

"Yay! C'mon Chii. Let's order some pizza." Misa grabbed Chii as they slammed the door. I was alone in the streets.

"You call." Chii said to Misa. Misa picked up the phone.

"I want Pepperoni pizza with extra cheese please."

"How many pies?"


"That'll be about $456.78."

"Thank you!"

"Why that many pies?" Chii asked as Misa hanged up the phone.

"10 for us. And 4,990 for big brother."

"Wow. No wonder your bro is huge in the anime." Chii was amazed.


I was just walking on the street for something to do when I looked at a girl with silver white short hair, a navy jacket with the hood up, blue jeans, and grayish yellow eyes. This might be the girl for me.

"Hello. My name is Tara. Have you seen a pink headed girl and a brown headed girl?"

I was drooling, but I nodded.

"Can I have your name?" Tara asked.

"Shukaku. You're prettiful." Tara blushed. Finally, my pick up lines work!

To be continued...

