Hachi's Quiz

This goes out to all the demons of the club. I need to know your natures to continue writing my semi-random stories, so I composed a list of questions so I can learn a bit more about all of you. If you feel up to it and you want to be included in my stories, please answer these questions. I’ll answer them as it goes down, so you can learn a bit about me as well! ^_^
1. What is your favorite color? (ya I know it sounds like one of the O’s quizzes.)
2. On a scale of 1-10, how evil are you with ten being the worst and one being actually nice? Five is neither good nor bad.
3. How do you feel about rain?
It depresses me
4. Do you get angered easily?
5. Do you like pranks, and if so how many do you play on humans per day?
I play about two pranks on humans per day
6. If someone insulted you, what would you do?
I would instantly beat the living daylights out of them and then later on wonder why someone would be so mean.
7. Do you feel you are happy?
For the most part
8. Do you like sake?
To the existent that I can drink it without getting too drunk.
9. How do you feel about chocolate?
What do you mean! I love it like a Mello from Death Note.
10. Do you like swimming or the sea?
Large bodies of water make me sick. I hate the sea.
11. What is your favorite food?
Ice cream
12. Do you like animals?
Yes I especially like snakes (that is why I chose Hachimata)
13. Do you like humans as company?
Depends if they talk too much I might leave
14. What is your favorite part of New York?
The artwork
15. Do you get embarrassed easily?
16. And finally, are you cool headed or hot headed and why?
I am relatively cool headed because I think about things before I say them
