Do you have good self esteem?

This is a pretty random world post but watching Dr.Phil really got me (even more) interested about this, especially in girls and artists.

Self esteem, feeling good about yourself, feeling secure, believing and knowing yourself. How much does it effect your life when you have it or lack in it? Do you think its a big factor on how good your life is? Do a good personality and traits gets thrown to the way side when you start picking apart other people bad traits that you may see in yourself? Or worst become a "bitch" because of it?

Haha, bear with me in this post and if you want, tell me your honest opinions!

Do you feel like you have good self esteem? Do you think you know yourself well? What do you see in the world and other people based on how secure you are about yourself?

How about your art? Do you think that self esteem in art effects how successful or how popular you are? Have you ever detested a follow artist only to find out that you where jealous or envious of him/her? Or envious of another person in-general because of something they have that you desire?

Most of all, why do you think other girls and artists give each other a hard time? Like get jealous, bullying, and trashing another? Instead of supporting one another and boosting each other up?


For me I know myself pretty well. I would always pick up self help books to better myself. I would ponder how and why I think the way I do, read personality books, take the online quizzes, and just about everything that shows you your potential personality. I have a huge passion in it that I think helped me know more about myself and my flaws.

My self esteem tends to go up and down. It varies much more now then when I was back in school because I'm trying to make the life of my dreams now. I feel like I'm taking on the world in some way and sometimes I don't always feel fit for the job. Or that the universe is simply not on my side which means I'm going to be miserable forever haha! Some days I feel like I can take on the world, and other days I feel the exact opposite due to many reasons. But I never give up on myself and keep going no matter how I'm feeling.

My self esteem in art could be A LOT better haha, but I try to take it one step at a time. I get envious/jealous of others art and popularity as well. Especially when I think the artist's style and subject(s) is overrated. However, I got a lot better in that department! It showed me that you don't have to do a set number of things to be popular. Anyone can be popular but you have to follow your own heart and rules! (something I'm taking into consideration this year!)

I think having good self esteem in general makes your life better because you believe in yourself in all ways. You don't have to go out and prove it to yourself or others. You just know it and that is by far the best way to have it. You feel more secure about yourself when you make mistakes. Best of all when someone says something less then good about you, you won't let it ruin your life.

I don't know, I'm just pondering human nature as always and wanted other people to chime in. You don't have to tell me anything personal if you don't want too but I'm interesting in other's thoughts about themselves.

I should be posting art, or actually commenting and contacting people since I'm feeling very social for some reason haha! ( God, I need to a post about my holidays too!) It will all come soon enough!

Thanks for reading, take care!
