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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

May Wrap Up

Hey everyone!

Long time no see huh? Well, I have tons of great updates for you all!

New World Order!

First you probably noticed the change of my world! I wanted to change it for a while. I loved my k-pop but it was simply too dark and simple for my over the top tastes haha! So when I had a chance today (about 2-3 days ago now lol) I did some photoshop magic on one of my favorite pictures. I absolutely loved how it came out! I also got the background at this awesome place. It made the change so much easier, the world background is always the hardest part! But yeah, a new world theme, something a bit more heavenly and calm. :D

Zenkaicon wrap up (Long post!)

As you all know I went to my home con, Zenkaicon, a few weeks back as a gopher op. Well the trip was pretty rad! I went with my friend Brandon, Jeremy and Jeremy's brother (forgot his name lol). The only thing was that I was feeling really low key (anti-social) so when it came to all the people and stuff, I was slightly annoyed. This was more on the second day. The first day was great, it just sucked sitting in a chair all day, I wanted to get up and take pictures and everything.

The best part of the con was of course the dealers room and the raves! I met up with SiSero again and talked to her. She is simply amazing and a great inspiration to all artists everywhere! It was great catching up with her again. It was really grounding because no sooner I walked inside the dealers room my head wanted to explode. It was simply too much going on for me. However, in the mass confusion I snagged a sweet Super Junior poster that I have yet to hang up, hell my bags are still in the living room as we speak LOL!

The first night's concert was so rad! I danced with the con goers and had such a great time. Then the rave started and OMG I can't tell you how much fun I had! We had our little dancing group and everything! I was showing off my belly dancing moves and even got up in the middle of the dancing circle! I can say that I probably feel the most free at the raves. It's like nothing in the world matters but the music and the good vibes that's spreading all around! After the first night of dancing omg I was so tired. From the waist down felt like the soggiest noodle ever. I could barely move, you could of mistake me for a drunk big time!

The second day was great but again, I was a lot more annoyed not with anyone but just the sensory overload thing. Which is funny because the nicest women came around the gofer's table and started to give everyone massages! She said that she tend to get hyper and energetic during anime conventions so she gives massages to get rid of the extra energy. She gave me one and it felt good, not to mention that I was quite sore from the Saturday night rave. She was super sweet and we had the same exact tripp pants on too!

Hmm, nothing else really happened but I was dying to buy something worth while and I couldn't' find anything that I liked enough to buy. I actually started to get depressed about it. It's like my tastes changed, I just didn't want to buy any useless items, which was probably a good thing anyway because after wards, on the forums, a con goer mentioned that almost all the anime goods providers had fake merchandise. So yeah.

WHAT REALLY PISSED ME OFF THOUGH was I brought some mochi and this awesome FF13 poster and that day the staff hauled it off while they started to clean up the con. I was so pissed, like genuinely pissed that lasted for days, something I haven't had in a while.

The con was only 2 days so it went rather fast. The day where we were suppose to help clean up (Sunday: breaking down the con) we woke up and were super slow on getting out of the hotel so we pretty much missed it. It was quite fun and I was glad that we missed it exactly haha! We went to watch The Avengers in 3D at the Imax movie theater. The movie was so awesome and omg I never found American actors so attractive before, I was quite surprised! Loki, Thor and Captain America was by far the cutest, I was stunned at their beauty hahaha!

The only thing was the theater was really cold so right in the middle of the movie I was falling asleep. That and the movie popcorn had a lot to be desired. Brandon tried to get hot popcorn but it was always luke warm which is disappointing. The prices were pretty ridiculous too, two medium drinks, large popcorn and the popcorn seasoning came up to $20 freaking dollars even! Like WTF, simple crap like that shouldn't be that expensive! But other then those things it was really fun, the 3D was so amazing. I always forget how much I love the movies! I should probably start going by myself as a treat!

Overall, the con weekend was such a blast! I actually recorded the whole trip with my camera in small intervals. Most of which is still at Brandon's, that and my pictures that I took. There were amazing cosplays there too!

A Booming Business!

My angel reading business have strangely blossomed this month! This month was the best month I ever did so far! It's so strange too because one Saturday after I stopped advertising my site for weeks, people just started pouring in. I have gotten 4 orders that day! It's been getting better since, people are actually starting to buy and I'm getting repeat customers that really love my readings! I also been getting lots of positive feedback too on my blog so that other people can see how well I do. It's just so amazing, this is something that I wanted for so long now, some real success! :D

That and my life changes have been going well! I've been breaking down some tough emotional walls and I've been doing a lot better as a result, I'm sure that contributed in my business success!

More Creativity

I've been drawing a lot more lately, some line arts and sketches. I have yet to post any of them. I am completely out of whack in my uploading habits honesty. Posting art hasn't been on the top of my list for a long time now even though I post here and there. I guess between me just not being creative and my perfectionist attitude, it's hard to really post anything and be "okay" with it.

My more finished stuff I'm fine with but since I've gotten more impatient then ever with my art, a lot of my works have been unfinished! I just have so many ideas that I can't stand to just sit and work on one picture at a time anymore. That and I have my other hobbies and such that do take up time.

BUT, I've been in this phrase before, and I recognize the pit falls of my creativity habits. I have to re-learn to have fun with my pictures, stop trying to be perfect, have patience and be more daring in my artistic pursuits! I had that state of mind before my life went to shit city where my art flourished! Once last summer came around it was all over. Now it's like I'm trying to find my artistic self again. It's not all bad though, that huge break gave me a lot of time to think about my art in relation to my life. Things can only get better from here! :D

Well, I'm going to end it here because this post is mega long! I actually had another important topic to talk about but I'll save it for later. I want to try to get into the habit of posting weekly again, but time escapes me all the time haha! We'll see like everything else haha!

Thank you everyone that read my long world post, wished me a happy birthday (May 14th) and supported me all throughout everything! :D Love you all! Take care!
