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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

OMG who's that posting? D:

Howdy Howdy!

Good god it’s been a long time since I was last active here. How is everyone doing? Is everyone okay? :0

What the hell was I up too you say? Well I just met up with an old friend of mine name Joe. He’s awesome and it’s like we never skipped a beat! He’s also into business so he going to help me out with mine. He said I should wait a bit till I’m a bit establish to open the shop up and everything and should focus on networking and such. He also said I should wait to give my charms for free as prizes too, which is a bit disappointing since I really liked the idea and wanted to keep my promise. He said that early businesses go through a lot of changes so I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. Soooo I the shop will still be closed. It doesn’t matter much I don’t have the money to support it the way I want too anyway. So I guess I will just focus on more light hearted things like
my TMM stuffs and just having fun here and DA.

I’m sorry that I just stopped commenting and the like for about three weeks, I just was having fun catching up with him. He’s so fun and he is good at cheering me up when things are down! I wuv him :3

I didn’t post in any of my worlds for weeks and I’m sorry for that too. I’m going to post in it and make it come back alive again! Oh yeah and if anyone notice I just made a shugo chara fan club. I notice that I really didn’t see any so I decide to make my own if anyone want to join and post anything shugo chara related there go PM me. I still have to make a banner and stuff. So yeah….

Oh yeah, I made thrid place in "make me a male mew contest". GO ME, and congratz to everyone who won. :D

I’m backz yo.

For realz. :3

Busy bee

Hey all!

Just updating on things and letting you guys know what happening on the other side of your screen :D.

I’ve been busy. Busy, busy, busy working on things. Like my other two mascots for the candy sanctuary. I got the girl one (doesn’t have a name yet) drawn and inked, all I have to do is color. The other boy one Xavier is really to be drawn. I was supposed to do it last night but I got wrapped up in trying to find good Sonic the Hedgehog remixes XD. And that I was tired. So I just let it slide. Oh, yeah the main one (the one I submitted) is name Bon Bon! Its soo cute I had to name him that! They all have back stories and Bon Bon’s story is how the candy sanctuary came into existence. I was working on it a few days ago and I love it! The others pretty much found their way there. I’ll post all the stories and in that world once it’s written. I also have to make the banner for that world too but I have to finish the pictures colored and all to do that so I should have them done soon.

I’ve been busy with other things also too like my new TMM café world! Once again thanks for all the comments, hugs, and tips, they are all greatly appreciated. I’m going to post there again soon on the café maid outfits. Some drawn refs from me and how to make one successfully. I’m also writing everything that I want to post there so I’ll never be stuck and have the world active and full of members! If you want to join to start posting pictures and receiving help and stuff just PM me. I already have two members that I’ve have yet to give them the guest posting rights or whatever, I’m sorry I’ve been busy and wanted to think of more member fun stuff but it will come when it come so I’ll give you guys a PM within two days. Bear with me guys XD.

Ummm, what else? Oh, I made a cake charm. I don’t think it looks that good but I don’t try to be all hard and strict with my self because it discourage and burns me out fast. I am STILL new to clay and making a cake charm so yeah ^_^; I still learning and I’ll get better with each one!

That’s it really; I haven’t worked on any templates yet or anything besides “what to do list” things XD. So uh yeah haha…

Have a good day!

More updates! store closing, new club!

Hey guys!

Sorry that I haven’t posted any art or commented as much in the last week or so, I’ve been busy thinking of new things and organizing ideas. By the time your done reading this journal you’ll definitely be as exited as I am about them!

As far as the charm online store I feel like that I opened it prematurely, I think I need to gather more information on business and getting my name out there before I can just “open a store” XD. My sister is in to business and knows more then I do. She is also is starting a business and is in the same kind of boat as I am (she didn’t open any stores though ha-ha).

All and all I think I need to sort of start over and start fresh. Read more on the subject and on myself, to really understand everything so I won’t hit any major walls or pit falls and to let this new journey as joyful as possible. So for now the store will be closed, but I will still post up my creations and if anyone wants to buy it they can. As for as making charms (stock/inventory) and placing them for the sole purpose for people to buy them, that will be put on hold for a while.

But when’s there death there birth! I’ll be making mini comics about the mascots in The Candy Sanctuary! Think it’s a good way to keep the world active besides the charms, and I think it would be fun to make. I have to draw out the two other mascots too. I have there basic design in my head all I have to do is to draw it out.

I’ve been lacking in the art department for over a week thinking over all the new ideas and business plans, not to mention school. I’m always beat after school and pretty much scrapped drawing for the night. It will sure pay off and I’ll get to work tomorrow pronto!

My second plan is a TMM club called “Café mew mew”. I think I touched on it last post but I organized the details about it and really excited about it! I made sure that it’s unique then the rest of the traditional TMM clubs. I want it to be a place that people can come relax, to get help with there mew drawings, designs, etc, and most of all to have fun! I also put a twist on the “contest” instead the club will have “fashion shows” where I’ll pick a theme and everyone can draw an outfit to that theme. To really pump it up the prizes will be my hand made charms for free! Like mew pendants, heart earrings, weapons etc. I also have other competition ideas in mind too! I have other things that the club will offer in the list below since I don’t want you guys read a huge block of wordsXD

Here are some the things my club will be offering:

• Character intros- You can post a sketch a possible fan mew and get comments and/or advice on it by me or the rest of the members of the club or just post it there if you don’t want to submit it to TheO.

• The café help line- You can seek advice to how to improve your character like the bio, costume, back-story, weapons, mew names, etc.

• Tutorials and resource discovery- I will post tutorials and guides how to make a mew (including my own). I’ll post pictures of poses, bodies, reference pictures, etc made by me. I’ll post links around the web of great stock pictures, inspiration, character development, drawing information, free Photoshop brushes and tutorials, etc so will never hit art block again and stay inspired!

• Mew repair- If your mew needs a full revamp, needs work, or you just hit a road block that you can’t go over, and you can submit your mew to get a design repair/option!

• Fashion shows- Hold themed fashion contests for members to have a chance to win custom jewelry from me!

• Fanfics/ Mini stories- I’m really debating this one, there are so many other clubs that offer fanfics that I think it would be kinda useless for one more club to have it (but if you guys want it that’s fine) D:. The mini stories would be short stories about my mews (not the sweet collection ones) that I really don’t pay much attention too anymore or wanted to do more with but way to busy to do it.

I really want this club to be about helping the artists (those who draw TMM and those who don’t) on this site. I also think it will bring the artists around here together more :3. I always wanted a club like this but I never thought I would have the time or be 100% commented to it. I think it wasn’t the time but I ready for it! >:D

Tell me what you think; this club is gearing towards the members!

Last but not least my plans in the art direction!

While asking myself questions in my business state of mind I’ve notice that I love designing things. Like logos, web graphics, websites, clothes, and lap top skins etc. I also want to sell those designs too in the future. So in the mean time I decided to gather as many blank templates as possible. I was so excited downloading them all and seeing other peoples designs on them I wanted to burst with creative energy! I’m so set and ready and I can’t wait. Today was my last day for school this week so the next three days will be nothing but creating starting with the café mew mew club.


Ready, Set, DESIGN! >;D

P.S I'm sorry if I missed any contests that I say I would enter D: I forget things easily if I don't write it down or remind myself for days!
