CAE exam finished! (finally)

Mood: External Image (neutral)
Listening to: The Lonely Island - J*** In My Pants (censored for the sake of censoring; however, the video is NOT verbally censored, it's safe for view though. Of course, it's a parody.)

Hello there, everyone! Thank you very much for visiting me and commenting on my last post and my submissions; I don't deserve such good friends ;_; *hugs*

I wasn't really in the mood for commenting - which is to say, it's not just some crazy mood swing, but I've had some term papers (Biology and Informatics) this week and will have two more during the next two weeks (Maths and Romanian Literature). I hate having to study all the time! Frankly, I haven't even opened the Maths notebook and the term paper is this Wednesday -_- Sorry, but I'm fed up with memorizing all those stupid exercises; the stupid thing is that we do easy exercises during class and get difficult ones for tests and the likes.
As for Biology, I really don't care about it anymore. I'm just happy it's over and I hope I won't have to resort to taking the extra test to boost my overall scores. Learning 25+ pages of digestion, breathing and blood circulation has driven me up the wall!

Anyway, today I went shopping with my mom; she needed some cleaning products, but we ended up getting all kinds of stuff, like some notebooks for me, chewing gum for her and summer shoes. I got two pairs because I loved them and they fit <3 Honestly, I had only one pair of these and wore them until they ripped DX My mom also got some shoes, even though I think they're ugly and tried to convince her not to get them - I'm not a fan of strong colors and big stones. But hey, you can't discuss others' tastes, huh? >_>

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First two pairs are mine, the (ugly) purple ones are my mom's.

On Friday I attended the Speaking part of the CAE exam. To my displeasure, I had to wait two hours until I got examined! I was supposed to go in at 11:15, but when I got to the high school (10:45), there were people from 10:00 still waiting! I was happy because I met other people I knew and we talked; I even talked with some people I didn't know, since it's easier to collaborate when waiting for an exam ^_^ A few of my classmates also came to see me and encouraged me <3 When it was my turn to go, I wasn't nervous any more, but rather pissed off from waiting so damn long!

Yesterday I finished the C.A.E. exam, meaning the Reading, Writing, English In Use and Listening parts. Now, let me give you some advice: always read the requirement! I didn't during the Writing task and ended up writing four pieces when I was supposed to write only one -____-" *bricked*
Writing (1 hour 30 minutes):

  • a letter of recommendation: I had to recommend someone for a job as a receptionist at an English college. I named that someone "Brad Pete" (reference, anyone? :D) and gave him a lot of positive traits. Not to mention saying he had previously worked for the "Jolie" hotel. Riiight *wink wink*;
  • a competition entry - wrote about Alfred Packer, who deserved to be among the top 10 scientists of all time; he is a specialist in aerodynamics and a rare gem of science. Honestly, I got tired of lying at one point XD Even though it was fun, I was kinda running out of ideas lol (btw, Alfred Packer is a legend, a man who is said to have eaten his colleagues during a quest for gold >> the movie is brilliant!);
  • something about volunteering to host international students blah blah, got really bored during this one and said the usual crap: we'd be happy to have them, we're a nice family etc. (only in fancier words :D)
  • a book review - had to write about "The Pelican Brief" by someone whose name I can't remember now but who's famous. Of course, I've never even heard of the book and shamelessly invented everything (it was perfectly OK to invent stuff, after all);
  • there was also the option to choose between the review and an essay, but I chose the review because I don't know how to write an essay DX It isn't mentioned anywhere in the textbooks I have.

I promise to scan the stuff in and post it here if they give us the papers back, I'm sure we'll all have a blast :D
English In Use (1 hour): finished and checked everything within 15 minutes, so I left the room and read from a book I had brought <3
Reading (1 hour 15 minutes): among the texts there was a stupid one about mosquitoes and I had to spend more time on that one than the rest >_< I finished 20 minutes early, I think.
Listening (40 minutes): OH MY GOD, I hate Irish, Scottish and Hispanic accents @_@ There was a crazy lady with a high-pitched voice describing a book and throughout the whole recording I had the strong urge to grab her by the throat and yell *Get a hold of yourself, woman!" Then, during the second audition of the same fragment, my mom called EXACTLY when the crazy lady was yelling about something I hadn't understood the first time, so I didn't understand it that time either! >____< Shpadoinkle! (word invented by Trey Parker and featured in Cannibal! The Musical; it means whatever you want it to mean: great, wonderful, fudge, crap etc.)

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Totally unplanned Kaleido Star wall XD None of the other projects finished, though.

Thank you very mush for visiting me and commenting <3 I noticed I've begun writing really long posts and I apologize for it, but I rarely post and stuff piles up ^^" *hugs everyone* Hope you have a great day~
