Hi there. So it seems that you've come across my little world. Well yay for you!lolz You can call me Johnny-chan, or Erin. Which ever name suits your fancy is fine with me.:p

Music makes me happy.:D I am a proud believer in Jesus Christ.My DeviantArt account

4 years already?

Well, today is my official 4 year Otakuversairy!!

4 year Otakuversairy

Well even though I don't think anyone will read this, I would just like to say that my 4 year Otakuversairy is coming up in a few days. I can't believe I've been a member of this website for 4 years. It's pretty crazy. I rarely ever come on the we...

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello everyone! Long time no see! I apologize for my long absences between posts but, I rarely ever get on here anymore. I do still look at everyone's art and, from time to time I comment. So I'm not dead or anything. I've been going to school and hanging out with friends like usual. How all have you guys been?

Also Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. What are you guys thankful for?

I wasn't expecting that

I got promoted to Otaku Legend yesterday. I just found out a few minuets ago. :D I've waited a long time for this. Not that there's anything special about being an "Otaku Legend" but, I've always sort of looked up to the other members on this site...

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Oh wow I can hardly believe it

I really haven't been posting at all in the past few months and for that, I apologize.-_-' School starts back on Tuesday. It's going to be a crazy and exciting year seeing as how I'm a senior this year.:) I can't believe I'll be graduating....

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