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[theOtaku: Beth | Aim: SunfallE | Hotmail: SunfallE]

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~Thank you Indi~ <3

Creative Mood

Lately I've been getting a lot of ideas for making art. Photoshop frustrates me because it can't do what I want it to and spending the money on something more expensive is totally out of the question. Something like that would be a total waste of money for me.

So I found some freeware program called MyPaint and decided to play with it. That resulted in my most recent drawing of a bored Jesse. :p I think I'm going to like this program since it has a lot of different types of brushes, from pencil to watercolor to oil and so on.

It’s supposed to support tablets so hopefully I can get one of those. I’m not holding my breath though. I’m forever having other expenses come up. XP Anyway, so far I am having fun with it. Which is good, I have a lot of ideas in my head right now. :p

Anyway, later everyone.


Because chat is silly.

MewMew: .-.
MewMew: beth i have a confession
SunfallE: oh?
MewMew: i am a mighty morphin power ranger
SunfallE: lol
Desbreko: Now I've got to listen to the Power Rangers theme.

Ace In A Speedo? o_O

I've been reviewing my stash of saved chats and ones that have been sent to me, mainly to hunt up some stuff for moderation purposes. But while doing so, I came across this little gem and figured I'd share it with you all. Enjoy! XD

Aceburner runs through the room in a speedo.
little inufan: LMAO
Aceburner has been warned by SabrinaM.
SabrinaM: Bad!
Allamorph: That, and I have a friend who's depth perception can't understand that color.
Kaydirt: HAHA
little inufan omoshiroi
Aceburner: ^_^
Aceburner has been warned by Allamorph.
SabrinaM: My poor eyes.
SabrinaM: @_@
Kaydirt: sabrina just won'd the whole chat with that

I Need Another Nap

Today was rather interesting. I woke up and found that I was feeling on the sick side with nausea and dizziness. So instead of staying up, I went back to bed and slept some more. I had already slept just under eight hours, but I ended up sleeping...

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Vampire Anime

For some reason I got in the mood to watch vampire anime. I've no idea why since I'm not a huge fan of vampire shows in general. So I picked up one called Nightwalker. It's an older anime and a bit dated but it was amusing from the angle of how ch...

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