Hiya! This is Fun In Sugar Berry Feilds! A place for anything fun! Ofcourse it must be Bleach, well, mainly Bleach related, so, since people were upset about Bleach Games! taking a plunge, this is the new world for all things silly! DO NOT CLICK <center><b><a href="http://www.geocities.com/lilndnplaya/noclick.html">DO NOT CLICK THIS!!!!!</a></center></B>

Is Ichigo...Trying To Loose Weight?!

Lunar Eclipse

I am STILL on my Twilight high, but, I'm gonna post Bleach stuff anyway, except on Asagi's Palace, that's gonna have some Twilight stuff, anyway, I made my first Twilight AMV yesterday! Yes I had enough pictures to do it, ok, um, anyway, lemme see if I can post something funny, here we go: hehe! It is SO true!
