Hiya! This is Fun In Sugar Berry Feilds! A place for anything fun! Ofcourse it must be Bleach, well, mainly Bleach related, so, since people were upset about Bleach Games! taking a plunge, this is the new world for all things silly! DO NOT CLICK <center><b><a href="http://www.geocities.com/lilndnplaya/noclick.html">DO NOT CLICK THIS!!!!!</a></center></B>

I'm Not Insaine! Well Maybe A Little

I took the sanity test and my level is high! Now, I no that today is Jasper's b-day, but his celebration will be on Ask Asagi!, Most birthdays will be, anyway, to celebrate my sanity (not really) I'll post both parts of this Twilight comic this is part one, it says: E: Bella my love! I'm entering through the door just to try a new experience I think! B: Hi Edward! You arrived just in time! I'd like to introduce you to someone... ta da! I bought a Gunia Pig! He was so loely in his little hutch, I call him Mr. Nibbles! Wat'da'ya' think? E: M-Mr. Nibbles, H-How cute, B: (mumbeilng things to Mr. Nibbles like "Who's the cutest wittle thing? You are! You are!") (turns around) If you eat him you're a dead man Edward
