Yeah, this used to be Bleach Games! but that kinda dropped, now at Sugar Coated Strawberries or Sugar Berries for short, we discuss anything and everything IchiRuki, I'm open to IchiRuki guest posts here too, why Sugar Coated Strawberries? Because Ichigo is the strawberry (obviously) and Rukia is the snow (or in this case sugar coating) that goes over it, Strawberries are too sour without sugar coated on them! So now the strawberries are sweeter! So have fun guys!

Sorry, My Computer's STILL Acting Up -_-

To Open A Juice Box

Here's a xute picture, the artist is no longer an IchiRuki fan, but she was wen she drew this! Here's the dialog (dialog is propperty of me, image is not)
Ichigo: Jeez, you still can't open a juice box?
Rukia: No,
Ichigo: Alright Midget, come 'ere, I'm gonna teach you to open a juice box, and you're gonna do it!
Rukia: Ichigo! Wat're you-
Ichigo: Just shut up,
