A Visit to The Soul Society

Hisagi smirked as they walked through Division nine, "If I am correct, there is no one that will recognize you, so hopefully you can pass as someone new.

Kita followed Hisagi checking things out as she followed along. "Hisagi?"


"This place is amazing. Do you really live here?" Kita asked him.

Hisagi laughed, "Yes, yes I do."

“Wow! Lucky you, Las Noches is so dark. Kinda gloomy too,” Kita sighed, “and everyone there has a bad attitude.”

Hisagi sighed, "Not everyone has a good attitude, and I admit, there are times that it is dark and gloomy. But overall, the Soul Society is pretty average, happy, and sometimes the occasional bore," Hisagi chuckled.

Kita giggled softly, “I am sure. You can’t be in a good mood all the time.”

She watched as they past a couple of the other squads. Looking up at one of the entries she saw it was marked with a seven.

“So how many squads are here. I saw yours was nine, which one is Captain Ukitake in?”

"There are thirteen in total," Hisagi answered briefly, "And Captain Ukitake is captain of Squad thirteen."

"Oh wow. Last but not least," Kita smiled brightly.

Hisagi looked at Kita's expression and couldn't help but smile, "We should be entering Squad six by now."

“What so where is the hospital here. Does it have a squad of its own to?” Kita asked him.

"Well, we do have the healing Squad, so I guess it would have a squad to its own, technically," Hisagi answered. "We have to run all the way to Squad four to get to the hospital, so we might want to pick up the pace, just in case someone catches us," Hisagi said, glancing at Kita.

“Why rush. It’s a beautiful day. I would like to enjoy it.” Kita got a sad look on her face and sighed, “I have to return back to Las Noches when I am done finding my zanpakuto and back to being locked in my room. I would like to be free a little longer.”

Hisagi sighed, "Fine, keep the pace we are going, I am just getting excited to get Kazeshini back."

Kita smiled, "Soon enough we will have our zanpakuto back. It has been strange without Ferozgarra."

Hisagi closed his eyes, and kept walking, "I might hate mine at times, but I admit, I miss him."

Kita smiled softly as she walked beside him, “Ferozgarra seems to be a little temperamental at time, but we get along well.”

"Seems like every zanpakuto gives everyone troubles," Hisagi laughed.

Kita nodded with a wide smile as she looked at their surroundings, they were walking up on squad six. It seemed much busier than the others as squad six members were walking about, in and out of the front gate of their squad. She was watching the front gate as the squad six members hustled in an out of the gate when a fairly good looking man walked from the squad gates. He was tall… well… taller than her. Dark hair and even at the distance they were. Kita could see he was a highly refined man. She bumped Hisagi’s arm with the back of her hand to get his attention.

“Who’s that?” Kita asked pointing the guys’ way she was looking at a few seconds ago.

Hisagi looked the way she pointed, “That’s Captain Kuchiki of squad six.” Hisagi then realized they were walking straight into Byakuya’s path. He gently took Kita by her arm and led her out and away from him. He figured they would be safe passing by all the other members, however, the captains he figured if anyone could and would figure out what Kita is. It would be them.

Continued to: Kita's Return to Las Noches