Unpleasant Day

The doors fell back with a exact snap, but the member of the 6th division in the hall jumped more from the shadow of their leader, especially the two leaning over one low table with a set of playing cards and change. Their captain had made himself irrefutably clear in the fact that he abhorred gambling and the recreation of cards when on duty or on his estate. They knew he wouldn't take kindly to their use of them during this hard tine when most were still without their zanpakutos.

Byakuya's eyes fixed on the offending pieces of paper, waiting for the silence of his displeasure to permeate the room to its fullest, before turning his eyes to two officers, six seat and eighth. The two paled further, but they did not offer excuses. Byakuya closed his eyes.

"If you do not want to lose every last scrap of paper in your possession, you will show me where any cards have been stored without my knowledge. Then you will find them a new home. Am I understood?"


The extensive search yielded nothing, nothing of importance to him. He knew where he would have to go. Whirling around, he ordered his squad to run a hundred laps around the walls of Seireitei his absence.


"Hado of Six Pillars." Byakuya intoned, capturing the nearest member of his squad who had shot her crimson bolt an instant after her fellows. He released her. "50 times," he commanded the sore woman. She nodded with an appropriate light in her eyes.

The venture in the unclean rooms of the gambling district in Rukongai had made his vision even sharper than normal. Not the slightest mistake would be missed, even when he now held the second riddle.

This riddle one of your more difficult riddles, Phoenix, and that line with the beanstalk did drive me mad when I was guessing.

Continued on: Last Game with the Riddler