Fandom Osmosis

While cleaning up the basement earlier in the week, I had the last episodes of Avatar playing on the TV. My brother had no idea what was going on, but I filled him in as best I could as it went on.

Last night, He saw the first four episodes of the first season followed by the very last three of the season.

It's a thing I do with him. I watch stuff on the TV while he's in the room, he'll generally be occupied with his laptop and kinda half-watch whatever I'm watching (if I claim the TV first).

So, I had a craving for Avatar. And like always, he's kinda half-interested, chuckles at certain points, asks me to fill him in on things . . .

After the 4th episode (the one on Kiyoshi Island), he said to me, "go to the episode where they get to the Northern Water Tribe!"


So we watched the final episodes. They're gigantic displays of awesome, so he was impressed enough.

Whether this'll make him watch it on his own, we'll have to see . . . but hey, it worked for Evangelion way back when, so never say never . . .

So that was Saturday.

Today, I feel like I might actually just go out and see The Dark Knight. Everyone else I know locally has already seen it, so I'm stuck. And as much as I hate seeing movies by myself, I'm just taking way too long for a movie I really need to see.

So we'll see.
