The Job Front . . .

So it's almost 3am, and I just applied for the supervisor position in the Photo Lab at work. Remains to be seen if I can nail that or not.

Also remains to be seen if getting said job will actually be beneficial for me in the long run, as I'm hearing a great deal on all sides of things:

Reasons For:

  • Full time hours/pay which will definitely be more than what I make now.
  • Regular work hours, fewer late into the night deals.
  • Several administrators/managers likely to have my back in applying, as I haven't truly pissed anyone off.
  • To be petty, hour long lunch breaks again, nicer shirt.
  • Will look really good on a resume.

Reasons Against:

  • As far as career salaries go, it's not THAT great (esp. considering after-tax).
  • Will no longer be protected by the union.
  • Possibility that the Photo Lab will be merged with the Photo Electronics department, position will disappear.
  • My current supervisor will miss me greatly (I'm her only any-timer right now).
  • My current department's full-timer taking leave in January, means I'm probably already locked for the staff full-time position come January (which will include full time hours, raise, and still be under union). Come January, anyway.

Seemed like an easy decision at the time. Then yesterday at work, as news of my interest in the position began to spread, I had more and more people (like the current lab specialist) giving me reasons to reconsider, and others (like my supervisor) strongly encouraging me to reconsider. Of course, my buddy Stephen the administrator (the guy who got married last year) is still totally supportive of the idea - he was actually the first person to tell me of the last supervisor's intentions to leave, and for me to keep an eye out for this. And hey, I was the guy's groomsman, I'd like to think I can trust him more than not.

Really, it all just comes down to talking with the people, seeing what kind of deal I can cut with them. If the money's worth it, I'll happily do it; I just need to hear it straight from their mouth first, is all.

So yeah, here's hoping the Photo Lab doesn't get folded into Photo Audio, in the meantime.

Ahhhh . . . you always have to love it when you have one great idea that just gets more and more complicated as time goes, hey?
