Morgan Freeman Continues To Be Awesome

Was reading stories about some idiot blogger in Houston who felt that modern video games had racist undertones as the norm. The whole RE5 "you're shooting black zombies" thing, y'know that story. He said Left 4 Dead 2 was racist because it took place in New Orleans and he saw "several" black zombies in the trailer - y'know, ignoring that HALF of the playable characters are black and all.

Best part was that his whole post came about after he played the first bits of Call of Juarez 2, and was appalled because he had to play as a Confederate soldier killing Union soldiers. Because y'know, the American Civil War was about freeing the slaves and only about freeing the slaves.

Needless to say, every damn comment called him out on it, also suggested that he was picking an imaginary fight just to boost site hits . . . even a guy from Valve (who made LFD2) made a statement calling the whole thing "utter insanity".

Valve is awesome like that.

Anyway, one of the comments also mentioned a quote from Morgan Freeman. Found it on YouTube, and I'm quite impressed by the statement:

Then again, he IS Morgan Freeman. The man was God that one time, after all.
