A world where people can talk, get advise about life, find a friend, hear my ranting, rant themselves and I hope have a good time. Any topics of conversation be it anime/manga, videogames, music, literature, sports, small talk or whatever are welcomed. Come in if you want to look around my world. If not it's okay for that is sometimes just the way things go.

Any good music lately?

Hello people around the globe,
My topic today is music. Music is a wonderful thing, I would seriously die without it. Because I like most kinds I can find new songs to listen to fairly easily, but I was wondering if there were any songs that people would recommend? I know that there are a few songs that I would recommend for you all to listen to. If you like J-pop with a techno-y dance feel you should listen to "Dream Fighter" by Perfume. You should watch the Dream Fighter music video too because they have a really cool dance. A good song for Spanish lovers, though this song is kind of old would be "Suerte" by Shakira. Another would be "I Write Sins not Tragedies" by Panic at the Disco, I really like the beat of the song. Lastly, a song I've been recently obsessing over is "My Life Would Suck Without You" by Kelly Clarkson, I've watched and listened to her since she first debuted in the Season 1 American Idol and I'm happy that she didn't disappear like a lot of the other stars. Now I think that you all should comment on what songs you like or would recommend to someone else to listen to.
