If you knew GoneWithTheSin back in 2007 then you know me :D
This is just a little blog to post updates and random stories
I also occasionally post WIPS of my artwork.
I do not do trades, unless I admire your art
I NEVER do requests
I have DeviantArt account as well, my username is xxWillowxx

Requests and trades open!!

yeah, the title pretty much says it all.
Let me know what you want, if it's an OC, I will only draw it if you have a reference sheet.
Send me a private message on here, or e-mail me at [email protected]

OH meh Gawd requests

I might be taking requests for a week, unless I decide otherwise :D
Keep in mind these are two character max, sketches.
PM me with what you want.
I can't draw want you want if you aren't :)

Oink Oink

I think I might have actually caught the swine flu O.o But regardless of what it was I'm pretty much over it now, just coughing a lot... A LOT. No seriously I'm pretty sure that I hacked up a lung a little while ago.
Anyways, more artwork is to come very shortly, I am currently working on 4 projects. One of which you will not be able to see until Halloween. Hehe.
I'm also getting a paycheck in a few weeks, so when that comes after I set aside the needed for saving and other important items, the extra will go towards more art supplies so I can amuse you all with pretty pictures. Or okay pictures, whichever you prefer xD
