Tatsuda Hachiro's Profile

External Image

Tatsuda Sprites

Creator: FUNimation
Full name: Tatsuda Hachiro タツダ ハチロ
SHSL ability:(Rouge) Taxidermist

Gender: Male
Age: 17 (held back)
Birthday: September 13 (AKA Positive Thinking Day)

Eye color: Black
Skin tone: light olive
Hair color: Black
Hair style: His hair has several layers, giving it a spiked look when he styles it backwards (it looks kinda like a hedgehog). To keep his bangs back, he ties it in a ponytail on the top of his head.
Height: 6’7”
Weight: 295 lbs
Face type: Chubby; he also has an under bite, so his lower jaw sticks out past his upper jaw.
Body type: Stout and rotund
Outfit/style: He dresses simply. Over his white undershirt, he wears a mahogany-colored, casual button-up with the sleeves messily rolled up. With that, he wears short, denim overalls and a khaki fanny pack to hold various faux furs and his tools.
Other details: As another way to keep his hair back, he wears a headband with fake antlers.
Appearance: His appearance makes him an easy target for jokes and bullying. People usually see him as silly and simpleminded.
Neutral Sprite: Smiling with his arms to his side and drooping eyes

Personality: Tatsuda is extremely kind and agreeable. Many people tend to make fun of him for his unusual fashion choices, but he is so oblivious, he does not realize that people look down on him. Tatsuda’s naivety, though it allows him to always think positively, gives others the ability to manipulate him and his kindness. He will believe anything he hears, and he will never deny a request. Even when someone is obviously trying to hurt him, he will always find a reason to call them a friend.
Likes: animals, creating,
Dislikes: Real taxidermy, hurting animals, hurting other people, being a disappointment, letting someone down, not being able to help, people fighting, people being mean to each other
Strengths: Because of his size, he’s basically immovable. He has high tolerance for pain, and he’s actually extremely strong. However, he never uses his strengths offensively. However, his greatest strength is his active listening. He never interrupts when someone is speaking; instead, he gives full attention to what they say and takes the time to understand their side of the story. His drive to understand is what leads him to ask the most important questions.
Weaknesses: Extremely gullible and trusting
Fears: blood, the dark
Life before school: Tatsuda comes from a long line of taxidermists. However to him, real taxidermy was too gruesome and violent. Tatsuda family shunned him after discovering his disgust with the family art, and he went off on his own for a year to try and find another way to make his parents proud. He soon found out that he could not be successful in any other occupation. Even when working at a fast food restaurant, he would mix up orders or improvise on ingredients. He realized that taxidermy was in his blood; his family traditions were the only things he could ever be good at. It was around this low point in his life that he met with an old master of taxidermy. The man had also developed a dislike for real taxidermy, and opted for creating beautiful displays without the use of real animal skin and fur. He took Tatsuda under his wing, teaching him everything he knew. Tatsuda mastered his skills with ease, and soon felt confident enough to face his family. Upon his return, despite mastering several taxidermy skills, his family would not accept him. Tatsuda continues finding ways to stay positive, never developing resentment towards his family, and improving his taxidermy skills in hopes to one day feel their warm embrace.
