It was just a popular song, long ago.

Not that she ever reads this, but my sister is celebrating her 21st birthday today (not by getting totally bombed, though :p), and my boss was kind enough to grant me a vacation day on relatively short notice (I asked on Friday). The day shall be ...

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SDF Macross -- Wonderful Culture

It’s the year 2009 -- 10 years prior, an alien spacecraft landed on Earth, and following a war to unify the planet, the U.N. worked to restore the ...

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Anime Seasonal Rankings + Kyle Hebert

Before I get to the real point of this post, I want to share this short interview with Kyle Hebert on Anime Diet. I met the Anime Diet dudes...

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Fun Quiz Time for Fun

OK, enough sad stuff -- time to pep this place up again!

I've probably mentioned this before, but I love Sporcle. Great place to waste time for anyone who has a ton of useless information inside of his or her head. Anyway, a few friends found some quizzes about anime openings, and I had fun taking them, even as a few of them, uh, humbled me quite a bit, haha.

First is by far the easiest, because it has both animation and music. I got 75/101 on this one. The highest anyone I know has guessed is 97/101. Also, in that quiz, it's finicky about how you type the series in -- nothing other than letters. For instance (this is a freebie), Fate/Stay Night would instead be Fate Stay Night. That's tripped up a few people.

Then there is this set of three quizzes with music only. Much tougher. I got 31, 33 and a grand total of 11 (all out of 100), respectively. Oi.

Have fun!

Toradora! DVD set!

I pre-ordered the first Toradora! box set a few months back, and it arrived at my door yesterday afternoon while I was at work! It looks really good; NIS America put a good amount of work into this, and the results are pretty dam...

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