Some relief....

Hi! Well, today it's gotten up to 102! It was starting to get hot at about 11 today. We're at our fire station, which opened a cooling room that's open to everyone. (A room with air conditioning!) I'm actually feeling kind of cold. But, it's so much nicer than being stuck at home with no air conditioning! They're giving out water bottles to everyone. Also, they let us bring our cat Tasha as long as she was in her crate. I think that was a good thing, because she looked like she was dying in the house. In the parking lot she looked the worst. Her tongue was all the way out and she was panting hard. Once we were in here she immediately felt better. She was scared because of the few other people that are here that make noise, but looks like she's settled down. They have wifi here too! (Otherwise, you wouldn't be getting this.) Mom wants to go soon to get some burgers or something. Also, it's Tisha B'av tonight. So, they're having a thing at our synagogue for it. I don't think I'll want to go. Tomorrow they'll have this room open for an extra hour. I think we'll be here again. It's nice that there aren't too many people here. Well, hopefully home will be cooler. I've been playing cards, doing crossword puzzles, etc. Fun, still.

So Hot!!!! x_X

Hi! According to Yahoo weather it got up to 97 today! We don't have air conditioning, so we're kind of dying. I mostly played around on Facebook today. I found some funny bumper stickers:

A played an interesting RPG on Flash Ninja Clan called Unfairy Tales. It was kind of cute. Although, at one point I started to get angry because the enemies just kept popping up, I like to be able to do things on RPG's.

What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul

Hi! This is a Yiddish proverb this time. Kind of interesting. I'm still sick. I feel slightly better than yesterday though, so maybe I'm getting over it. I didn't sleep well last night and had to resort to having a Seroquel. (Seroquel used to be used for my depression. Now, the psychiatrist told me it can be used for if I can't sleep.) Sure enough it really knocked me out. I slept for most of the day. I really wanted to do a lot too! That's ok, I probably needed it to heal and get better. ^_^

I watched more of Nabari no Ou. It's getting even more emotional. Although they seem to throw in the comedy at weird points now. I think that Miharu is noticing that everyone has a good side and wants to help everybody. I think he's taking on too much though. It was surprising that he joined the "evil" group. They're not really evil, but they want what's in him for selfish reasons. He only joined really to help Yoite.

Gintama just seems to get funnier and funnier! The Shogun showed up while they were told to watch the barbershop. (Shogun is like a General.) He asked if they could give him a mage haircut. Mage is short for Chonmage. The Chonmage was a haircut worn by men mostly in the Edo period and mostly by the samurai. It used to be used to help a samurai keep his helmet on. Only sumo wrestlers wear them now. Anyways, the lengths that Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura were going at trying to save the situation were hilarious! Some of them were so nasty, I don't think I can mention it. :P Eventually they ran away from it. The Shogun ordered that the shop should be remodeled and have the best stylists hired. All because the Shogun thought the commoners had it hard. So, in the end they saved the shop.

Since I didn't do much today, I can post my recent faves on Youtube here.

This one was just too cute:

Poor Elizabeth! This is from Gintama:

hehehe... too funny!:

One of the many hilarious moments of Gintama:

Another funny moment: