Quote of the Week: You do you and I'll do me and we're not gonna do each other.

Because I Need to Think of a Title - Part 1

*Unagi= Japanese freshwater eel

All he heard was the rapid pitter-patter of rain drops on the lake, against his boat, on the conical hat covering his head and face. All he felt was the sharp tap of rain on his skin, drenching his clothes, filling the bottom of his bottom.
Kang-Woo's boat was so small that there was no room left over as he lay in it. The water that kept rising around in the boat didn't bother him. It wasn't uncomfortable and the cold... he never really felt it.
It was dark enough already with the blackened clouds in the sky, but a thick fog had also descended, eating up more of the light.
Unagi* swam through the water underneath him. Of course he couldn't see them; it was too dark for that even if he tried, but he could sense their heat-
"Hey, mister!," a young voice called to him.
Kang-Woo didn't react.
"Your boat's gonna sink if you let the rain get in like that!"
Kang-Woo tilted the edge of his hat up and peered toward the source of the voice. Several feet away, on the shore, crouched a girl who looked to be about 8 or 9 years old. She was soaked to the bone and her black and silver hair was plastered to her face by the rain. She looked at him with an expression of anxious curiosity.
Kang-Woo let the hat drop back over his face and crossed his arms.
"I don't care," he called back.
"But what if you can never get it back?!"
"My problem, not yours."
They didn't talk for a while. Above thunder rolled loudly through the sky.
Then the girl spoke again. "Hey Mister."
Kang-Woo sighed. This was why he didn't like children. They were so talkative that there was never any peace.
"Do you think...," she paused as if afraid to ask. "Let's say someone did something bad, right? Something really bad. But it was just an accident. They didn't mean to do it. They didn't even know they could do it.... Should they still be punished harshly?"
There was another clap of thunder followed by a strange sound from further inland. The sound came again. It sounded like a man's voice, shouting. Kang-Woo lifted his hat again and saw the girl now facing the direction of the voice with a look of terror on her face. One of her feet was in the water and he thought he saw a strange ripple shake the surface of the stream.
He didn't notice the change in the unagi moving below.
In an instant, she got up and ran away. The fog swallowed her up in seconds.
A few seconds later a man ran up to the edge of the lake, panting. His hair was as black as the girl's but without the silver.
"Did you see a girl around here?!," he yelled, his voice laced with hysteria.
"Not here."
The man groaned with frustration. His face was red with anger.
"When I find her..."
After looking both ways he decided to run in the direction that the girl had gone.
Kang-Woo crossed his arms again and leaned his head back. He tried not to be curious, it wasn't his business, after all. But a sense of dread was spreading through his chest and the questions kept coming. Why was she out in this terrible storm? Was it safe to leave her alone with that crazy man after her?
He finally sighed and stood up. Using a long paddle that had been lying next to him, Kang-Woo made his way towards shore.
All he heard was the splashing of the rain, the rolling of thunder, the shouts of a man crazy with rage. All he felt was water around his feet, the hard paddle between his hands, and the apprehension in his heart.
He saw lightening flash across the sky.
What he didn't see, in the sudden flash of light, were the forms of the unagi underwater keeping as still as if they had been shocked by lightening themselves.

To Be Continued...

OC Profile: Lainey

Name: Lainey

Height: 5' 8"

Age: 16

Hair: Blond with blue, purple, and green streaks. Long

Eyes: Gray

Personality: Happy, Tom-boyish, sometimes says/does strange things, strong (emotionally/mentally), doesn't care what others think of her, sometimes loud

Enemies See Her As Being: wild

Friends See Her As Being: carefree

Specialty: Blades- Has a special spear that can change into a sword, knife, dagger, etc. Can sharpen/turn almost any object into a blade just by touching it.

Relationship With Dez: Dating, but don't know each other as well as Dez and Nissa know each other because they haven't known each other as long

Relationship With Nissa: Friends. Nissa's shyness keeps their relationship from developing as fast as it could

Extra: Likes playing the electric guitar, singing, and rock/metal music. Has a habit of holding in her emotions right when something surprising happens, then releasing them later causing her emotions to be more intense.
Her parents died years ago so now she lives with her older brother (22 years old) who can sometimes be a little over protective

Lainey --> LLL

** As I'm developing the story with these characters I realize that certain parts of them change a bit so if they change enough that the profiles look significantly different I may update them.
For now Dez, Nissa, and Lainey are the 3 main characters of my story, there may be one more?.

Spring Break

Spring Break started today for me. \(^o^)/ yay!
I was supposed to have no homework, but thanks to all the stupid snow we had a few weeks ago my history class is behind and we need to read a whole chapter over break. Plus I have an AP exam to start studying for (also history). I'm so worried. It sounds like the hardest test I'll ever take. I'll just have to do my best.
I want to work on my story ideas over break. I wasn't very productive today, basically watched
YouTube videos all day.
But that's just because it's been a while since I didn't have to do some work everyday (that history chapter won't take up my whole break) plus it's my birthday tomorrow so I think it's fine if I relax.
My parents are bent on this idea of me having a big sweet sixteen, which I apparently can't have unless I invite friends over, but whoops!-- I have no friends (-_-#).
Too bad for them; they honestly care more about it than I do.
At this point I wish they'd be quiet about my introvertedness since repeatedly telling me how boring and potentially dangerous my life will be without companions, OBVIOUSLY. IS NOT. HELPING! ~ my goodness! ~
Sorry, had to release my annoyance for a second.

I had originally planned to do this one big story with the characters I have introduced, but now I'm thinking I should do some smaller stories first with the same characters. I'm thinking it'll be good practice and I already have an idea. But I want to work out the details first and write it down so when I post it here it'll be the finished thing. It'll probably take a while, so I have no idea when I'll actually post it, but I'll do a profile for Lainey on Tuesday.

Happy Early Birthday Me:
External Image

Story- Part 9 ~ END

"Why don't you say hello to my real friends?" said Rhoda. A new set of villains stepped out from where they had been hiding in the darkness. The ones she had defeated got up again as if they had just been playing dead. They took off their jackets and Marisa was almost not surprised to see the initials D.H. on the front of all their shirts. Almost. She had only one question for Rhoda.
"Because these are the only people who accepted me," Rhoda answered.
"You could've joined Meridan's. We would have accepted you."
"Maybe you and all your friends are okay with loving yourselves and being hated by society, but I can't do that. I can't be an outcast everyday of my life and still smile."
"What about that stuff you said earlier about being strong? Were those words meaningless?"
Rhoda smiled sadly. "Marisa," she said, "when did I ever say I was strong?"
"These guys are obviously just using you."
"Shut up!" Rhoda screamed. The members of D.H. started moving forward. They drew their weapons and began to surround the injured Marisa.
But, they had only taken a few steps when the windows around the room shattered and the front door burst open. Into the room came a stream of students from Meridan's. They attacked mercilessly, taking their enemies by surprise.
"We were followed?!", Rhoda exclaimed.
"Did you think we'd trust anyone who who came and claimed they wanted to help us?" Marisa answered. Rhoda just stood, shocked, as the D.H. were overpowered and defeated around her. Outside the sounds of sirens could be heard as the police arrived. As the first members of D.H. were taken away, Marisa's friends came over to help her get up.
"Rhoda," she said. "I think you may have focused too much on the little things, like who accepted you, and not enough on the big things, like actually being accepted by anyone." The police came over to restrain Rhoda. She struggled, but they were too strong. She was soon subdued.
"Maybe you'll find a balance someday," Marisa said to her as Rhoda was taken away.
Marisa felt the necklace around her neck and knew that she had found a balance for herself. She would no longer let the small or the big things hold her back and because of that she'd be able to do what Rhoda couldn't do. Move forward.
The End

~ Well, that was my story. Hope you enjoyed. :)
Any feedback is welcome. If you thought it was good, bad, confusing, etc, either way I'd like to know what people think.
I haven't written stories in a while but I think I'll start again.

Story- Part 8

Marisa sighed. "Did they think I was bluffing or did they just not care?",she muttered. She kicked the man , instantly knocking him unconscious and ducked as the first person to reach her attacked. Using her speed Powers, Marisa got in front of her attacker before he even realized she had dodged. She grabbed his arms and used his momentum to swing him around and into the attackers behind her. As soon as she did this two new attackers appeared on either side of her, swinging their bats. Marisa waited until the last second then ducked out of the way. She didn't bother looking back as the bats found their new targets. This group had obviously never fought a trained Deviant before. Her speed surprised them and her strength took them off guard. This was strange, because she remembered Rhoda telling the headmistress that was a skilled group. Now that she thought about it,... weren't there supposed to be more people? Twenty did not seem like enough people to take down an entire school of trained fighters.
Something wasn't right.
Marisa defeated the last enemy and turned to Rhoda to ask about these things, but saw that Rhoda was no longer laying on the ground. Marisa didn't see Rhoda anywhere.
Suddenly, she felt a stab of pain in her back and then a shove from behind. Marisa fell to the ground. Looking up she saw Rhoda standing above her with a knife in her hand. As Marisa watched, the deep cut on Rhoda's arm closed up and healed in a matter of seconds.
No normal person could do that.
"You're Deviant?" Marisa asked, incredulously.
"Oh look, she finally realizes," said Rhoda.

To Be Continued...