- Created By Vellatra
Secret Santa 2022 Official Signup!
Calling all artists who are feeling festive and want a challenge! The time has come for signing up for Secret Santa 2022! If you want to join this event, comment below with a link to your wishlist by November 30th, and I'll pair you up with a recipient on December 1st.
If you're feeling up to an even bigger challenge, you may also sign up for more than one recipient... which also means you get more than one drawing from your list! Just specify in your comment how many drawings you're willing to do. Careful not to overdo it! The deadline for submitting your artwork is the twelfth day of Christmas (January 5th), after which anybody who hasn't received their gift(s) will get them from me, or another willing substitute artist.
Happy artsing!
UPDATE 12-1: Thank you to everyone who signed up this year! I hope you all have a blast drawing for each other - and enjoying the artwork made for you, too! If you unfortunately discover you cannot participate, and are already signed up, let me know and I'll arrange for one of our willing substitute artists to step in. Sign-ups are officially closed now, and Secret Santas have been assigned, but if you missed the deadline and still REALLY want in on the action, you can ask very nicely and I might be able to get you together with a substitute, too.
I'm new at this running-the-show business, and neglected to set a start date for posting your projects... just use your best judgement. If you do up your drawing on Day One, and don't feel like it's too early to start, go right ahead and post immediately! If you want to wait until closer to Christmas, that's up to you too.
Have fun everybody!
UPDATE: 12-25: Merry Christmas, everyone! Seems like people are having a blast so far with their projects! Here's a directory of the Secret Santa art posted, in case you missed some (or wanted a quick reference to observe them all again later!)
RainbowDragon --> Vellatra
Vellatra --> BlueVanguard
Vellatra --> S M Pendragon
S M Pendragon --> Keba Si Rota
S M Pendragon --> HametsuKuro
Toyotami Kun --> S M Pendragon
BlueVanguard --> CrazyOldReb
CrazyOldReb --> Vellatra
Toyotami Kun --> RainbowDragon
Vellatra --> Toyotami Kun