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This is basically a place I'll share my thoughts on anything; and also where I'll post memes.
So, if you're looking to hear my opinion on things, you've come to the right place!

“The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.”
--Walt Disney

[[brushes (c) respective owners]]

New Vocaloids- My opinion.

I was checkin' out the Vocaloid Wikipedia article, and noticed 3 new ones that were released on the 4th :O So I decided to check 'em out.

First is SF-A2 miki. I really like her design, and I like her voice. Sounds like a combination of Luka's and Miku's. I like it, but I don't love it.

Next, Kaai Yuki. Bleh. I don't really like her much. Sometimes her little kid voice kind of bothers me, but at times it can be cute. Her design is so-so, I think. Not as flashy as the other Vocaloids, but kinda cute too.

Last, we have Hiyama Kiyoteru. At first, I thought, "Yay! Finally, another male!", but I ended up being disappointed. To me (I realize if you listen to Kaito enough, you'd see the difference) he sounds almost exactly like Kaito. I can hear a little difference, but it sounds too similar for my tastes. (Although, I guess if you wanted to use him to redo some Kaito songs, you could make him sound like a smooth Kaito. Don't get me wrong, I love Kaito's voice as it is, but just if you wanted to). In my opinion, his design is bland. I personally prefer the Vocaloids to be a little more flashy.

And maybe if I listen to them more, they'll grow on me. (I honestly hated Gakupo in the beginning, but now he's one of my favorites. ) Oh well, seeya later~
