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This is basically a place I'll share my thoughts on anything; and also where I'll post memes.
So, if you're looking to hear my opinion on things, you've come to the right place!

“The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.”
--Walt Disney

[[brushes (c) respective owners]]

Woo-hoo, first post!

So, uh, yeah. I might kinda use this as a test post, but it's still got informational goodness in it! A-hem.

I remembered just today, that Kyon's (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) new Character CD came out on the 9th. I dunno why I didn't remember until today. Anyway, I think both of his songs are hilarious, and you should check them both out.

Tomokazu Sugita is just awesome. Personally, so far, of the 2009 CDs, I like Nagato's the best (both of them, especially "Under 'Mebius'", are a HUGE step up from her original songs). Koizumi comes in a close second though (it's probably just because he's my favorite character, but I really like "Tada no Himitsu"). I'd love to know what your favorite of the new CDs/songs is, if you wanna let me know. ^^
