Not much to tell that most of you dont know, I am everyone's (at least those who actually KNOW who the hell I am) favorite smartass. At least I try to be.

Put your feet up, stick around for a while.

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Anime Central. My Turn. Day One

Its been over a week since ACEN, and in the events of life that have occurred to me in that week have been, well, yeah. . . So the time since con is such where I dont remember all of the specifics of the panels and events involved. Just know they ...

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Its later.

Too burned out and a bit too pissed at the situation around me to work on a con report. Ill try my damnedest to get it done soon.

What? A Post? Oh, wait, its just a con report.

Well, kind of a written commitment to make one in the next day or two. I just awoke for a nap, and now its bedtime. . .

But its not all just hot air, Ill tease you with what I will talk about:

-The Dealer's Room and the Duel of Canti
-Meeting Dean Venture
-Meeting a pocket sized Voice Actress
-Video Game room and what may be the worst game I ever saw.

-A Code Geass panel on morality by a really tall guy in a lab coat
-A Panel with three VA/Director types
-Turning the Tables with an "F-Bomb!"
-J Michael Tatum and the silly things given to him

And Sunday
-Keeping a promise

Now Im going to sleep. A con recovery is needed.

ACEN is only a month away? Really?

Not a whole lot going on in my life. I was able to talk through the issues I was having with my friends. Cooler heads prevailed, and things are okay. Work is still work, still looking for other work. May have a job lined up in a few months, a buddy is going to open up a brewery, and he told me he would need a guy to deliver the beer to his clients once those were lined up. So we'll see how that goes.

Other than that, not much is going on. Ive been trying to get out of the house more and socialize, but I still get beset by my sometimes crippling social anxiety. But I think Im getting better with crowds. I cant wait for ACEN.

On a more adult note, I have fallen in love with Molson's Canadian Beer. And people know I am not one to like beer that much, but this stuff is great. I blame Kastom and Someguy for talking it up, because when I finally saw a bar with it, I figured "What the hell?" and Ive been drinking it ever since(well NOT ever since, I have to stop to go to bed, and work). But you know what I mean.

Later guys.

A little clarification.

I may have been a bit more intoxicated than I thought when re-reading my last post. I just want to clarify a thing or two. My friend visiting, I love her like family. Which is why its frustrating for me to see her doing these things. Im not...

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