A little clarification.

I may have been a bit more intoxicated than I thought when re-reading my last post. I just want to clarify a thing or two.

My friend visiting, I love her like family. Which is why its frustrating for me to see her doing these things. Im not placing blame on my buddies that she is wanting to hook up with, they are all great guys and have been closer to me than my real extended family since my mom died. Its her replacing one addiction with another, and acting out like a teenager when you try to talk to her about it. She has a very addictive personality, and also has a history of finding trouble and avoiding responsibility. But she is a sweetheart, and I do really care for her. Why else would I invite to take her into my home without discussing it with my brother or dad first?

Its not like I have bad friends in the 3D world, I just wish they would make better decisions sometimes.

Thanks for listening to me bitch. Ive been so down since my laptop went out of service. I haven't been able to really watch any anime, like at all for the last 4 months. And if that escapism isnt there for me, I spend too much time in my own head and start to get depressed. I keep hoping things will turn, but I just keep getting more and more bad news.

Ive got some important phone calls to start making, so Ill see you all around later.

And thank you all again for the B-Day wishes. I sometimes feel like I dont deserve awesome people like you from parts scattered all across the country/continent/world befriending me like you did. Sometimes it takes a lot to put up with me, at least its what Im told.

So again thanks, you guys are awesome.
