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Lovely card above by the incredible Angel Zakuro!<3 Thank you!<3

Hiya everyone~ ^^ Welcome to my little world!
This is probably just a place where I'll put my posts and such~ otherwise, probably not much is going to happen here ^^;
And the rest, I'll leave to you guys!~ Enjoy~

Art trades: Closed(sorta)
Requests: Closed
Gifties: Open(but only at my discretion, naturally)

A bit of information about me:

Name: Sayura/Sayura-chan(so friends call me)
Birthday: October 14th
Age: 20
Hobbies: Drawing, golfing, archery, playing piano, singing(some) and some other things ^^

Likes in no particular order(manga/anime/movie/game-wise):
Howl's Moving Castle-Howl/Sophie
Final Fantasy Series-Cloud/Leon/Tidus/Yuna/Vaan/Rasler/Ashe/Serah
Kingdom Hearts Series-Cloud Strife/Riku/Roxas/Namine
Hana Kimi-Izumi Sano/Mizuki Ashiya
Code:Breaker- Ogami Rei/Sakura SakuraKouji/Hitomi/Toki/Hachiouji Rui
Tegami Bachi/Letter Bee- Gauche Suede/Lag/Jiggy Pepper/Aria /Zazie
Claymore- Miria/Isley/Clare/Riful/Teresa/Raki
Bleach- Kuchiki Rukia/Kuchiki Byakuya/Kurosaki Ichigo/Ishida Uryu/Toshirou Hitsugaya
Heart No Kuni No Alice-Blood Dupre/Julius Monrey/Alice Liddell
Gakuen Alice-Mikan Sakura/Natsume Hyuuga/Imai Subaru/Ruka Nogi/Tsubasa Ando
Rurouni Kenshin-Kenshin Himura/Sojiro Seta/Aoshi Shinomori
The Gentleman's Alliance Cross-Takanari Togu/Haine Otomiya
Alice 19th-Kyo Wakamiya/Alice Seno/Frey
Shugo Chara-Ikuto Tsukiyomi/Amu Hinamori
Yu Yu Hakusho-Kurama/Hiei/Yusuke
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle-Fai D. Flourite/Syaoran Li
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion-Lelouch Lamperouge
Gundam SEED-Athrun Zala/Cagalli Yula Atha
Watashi Ni XX Shinasai-Kitami Shigure

The list goes on to pretty much anything =P I've read many more manga so if you want to strike up a discussion about a mangaka/game/anime/movie creator on this list, don't be afraid to ask! I've looked at many works by each of the above authors/artists!

-My Deviantart(active)

Something random you should know: I LOVE it when people draw the character's personality is intact(in other words, unchanged)~ it really gives the picture a better feel because they act the same as they were made to be.

Trip tomorrow!

Hiya everyone!! It's me again and it's been a week since I wrote, sorry! T___T But being in Korea and all, things have been quite busy here. So I guess I'll let you guys in on what has happened here so far?

Well first off, a few days ago, I went to my aunt's country home(don't ask...she's building some random home in the middle of no where xD), and it was sooo lonnngg and there were mosquitos as big as helicopters 0__o Oh and a really loud dog that was cute but hated me xD The worst part was that there was practically no bathroom...it was a plastic chair with a hole in it and another hole underneath it with NO toilet paper! xDDD

On top of that somewhat awful endeavor however, was a nice day out shopping for groceries(again xD) and karaoke!!!<3333333333 Which made my life by the way xD My sister and I were planning to go again today but the one we were planning to go to wasn't open T__T So yeah, it was lots of fun though and we got to go snack shopping while eating at a noodle place for lunch today =P

And the BEST part about today's shopping adventure was that I got two new albums from some of my favorite Korean singers! Superjunior's 3rd Album Repackage and SHINee's 1st Album Repackage! ^^ They have good music on both(I previewed them first xD) so I'm super excited to listen to them~!

Art-wise I've been kind of on a dead-end xDD I've been lacking inspiration lately...mostly due to my relatives and their criticism, but I've been pushing myself to draw and get out of my self-induced block thanks to support from my friends ^^ So thank you guys for helping me out<3

About the title...I'll be out for the next 2 days for a trip to a condominium up in the mountains and for some white-water rafting! Not to mention bowling, karaoke, card games(where I can get some money hehehe...but only like 10 cents worth xDDD We gamble with coins that are equal to penny-value LOL) and lots of other fun stuff ^^
So I shall probably be back on Saturday(which is Friday in America for you guys, I think). And make sure to keep me notified of updates~! Take care you guys and I hope you are enjoying your summer even MORE than I am! =P

Helllooooo Large Nurse! xD

Hahaha quote from Animaniacs!(a show I LOVE to death! It doesn't air anymore, but definitely youtube one of the episodes, it's freaking hilarious(and some innuendos 0__o))

Anyways~ hiya everyone! I don't necessarily know how to describe how I'm feeling right now...I'm excited to be in Korea and at the same time I feel really suppressed because of what my relatives think of me.
Yesterday was kind of worse than usual. My grandpa went on a HUGE rant about how I need to learn Korean and how it's a real shame that I don't know how to speak well and whatever. He thinks I can't even read, write or understand it either...so he just goes on saying whatever he wants thinking that I don't understand a word he says.
Sometimes I really wish I DIDN'T understand Korean because that way I wouldn't have to deal with the pain of listening to what they say about me. But on the other hand, it's a real privelege that I know what I do know. *sighs* It's just a really empty feeling when people say things about you that you really wish weren't true.

But in other news, I've caught up with pretty much all of my commenting!! And I read over Angel-kun's guide on making the perfect comment and I feel happy that I've pretty much got it down xD It's just that I have to add a critique bit when necessary, that's the only area I need to work on a bit more. Even so, I'd definitely go check out Angel-kun's fan word essay on it here.

So yesterday was a bit more interesting...I went grocery shopping with my sister and did some house work for my grandma. Then I went up to Seoul to visit my grandma(on my mom's side) in the hospital to see what the doctors are saying about her stomach cancer. If you saw her, you wouldn't be able to tell she was sick, which is a good thing. But the fact is that she IS sick T__T
After I got home I had a really terrible migraine so I couldn't come on to comment like I wanted, gomen ne T__T I made up the loss of comments today though! And I just have to comment Akioh-chan's piccy and it'll all be good<3

I've been working on some sketches(I'll list like Ima-chan did) so you guys had better believe me haha!

-Razrael and Riiya sketch(haven't designed KH2 outfits yet though..so it's kind of a problem xDD)
-Kiyoko and Riiya sketch(working on it....poses are giving me trouble @__@)
-Group piccy gift for Ima-chan(sorry...Riiya is giving me the most trouble in this LOL the sketch was done a while ago, so my style was a bit more inexperienced with group piccys @__@)
-KH fan manga storyboard in progress(I've gotten some progress on where I want the story to go..I think)
-Guy practice sketches(there's one I REALLY like...I might post after I refine =P)

So yeah...I haven't been COMPLETELY slacking guys xD Take care everyone! I hope you're all doing well!

Everything is so...different(ish)

Hiya everyone!! I'm officially IN Korea and letting you all know that the flight was long, horrendous and TERRIBLE but overall it went well and I got here safely ^^ Thank you all that gave me wishes for a safe flight!
But yeah, I was very surprised to see 17 comments(biggest number ever 0__o) when I got on, so thank you all for the wonderful comments on my latest piccy!

I shall get to comments soon(there isn't much to do on the first day...everyone's too tired to go anywhere xD)! Hopefully you all are doing well and my goodness I have LOTS to catch up on! xD
Take care everyone!! *huggles you all*

A final CGed submission before the flight!

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Hello there everyone!! As you guys asked, I drew a quickie speed paint of Riiya before I leave tomorrow! xD
I also have many other sketches and such that I've been working on, but I don't think they'll make it up today T__T Especially since I want to refine a lot of them so it's nothing short of the best for you guys!<3

Anyways, I've got lots of packing and such to do! So I'll have to make this post really short! I love you guys and make sure to send me pms and keep in touch even while I'm there kk? *super massive hugs you all* Take care everyone!!<3

Nothing can stop me now!!

Hiya there everyone! As the title says NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW!!
SCHOOL IS OUT!!!<333333333333333333333333

I'm kind of sad though at the same time because I won't be able to see a certain someone for a time now T__T I didn't even get to say goodbye to him today *sighs* Not only that, but an UNGODLY number of people are transferring from Eastside to different schools next year, so I'll miss them so much T__T Next year will be very different, I think.

But anywhos!! I'm off to Korea next week and NOTHING can stop me from commenting now! ^^ I'll definitely be getting to commenting today *nods*

And on another more depressing note, I found out that my grandma has Stage 4 Stomach Cancer...and she has to get Chemotherapy T________T I can't believe I won't be able to be with her when she actually gets it done(it's tomorrow...). *sighs*
But the least I can do is make her a nice card, which is probably what I'm going to do.

Anyway, I'm off to take care of business~ thank you everyone for being patient with me, I love you guys so much!<3