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Lovely card above by the incredible Angel Zakuro!<3 Thank you!<3

Hiya everyone~ ^^ Welcome to my little world!
This is probably just a place where I'll put my posts and such~ otherwise, probably not much is going to happen here ^^;
And the rest, I'll leave to you guys!~ Enjoy~

Art trades: Closed(sorta)
Requests: Closed
Gifties: Open(but only at my discretion, naturally)

A bit of information about me:

Name: Sayura/Sayura-chan(so friends call me)
Birthday: October 14th
Age: 20
Hobbies: Drawing, golfing, archery, playing piano, singing(some) and some other things ^^

Likes in no particular order(manga/anime/movie/game-wise):
Howl's Moving Castle-Howl/Sophie
Final Fantasy Series-Cloud/Leon/Tidus/Yuna/Vaan/Rasler/Ashe/Serah
Kingdom Hearts Series-Cloud Strife/Riku/Roxas/Namine
Hana Kimi-Izumi Sano/Mizuki Ashiya
Code:Breaker- Ogami Rei/Sakura SakuraKouji/Hitomi/Toki/Hachiouji Rui
Tegami Bachi/Letter Bee- Gauche Suede/Lag/Jiggy Pepper/Aria /Zazie
Claymore- Miria/Isley/Clare/Riful/Teresa/Raki
Bleach- Kuchiki Rukia/Kuchiki Byakuya/Kurosaki Ichigo/Ishida Uryu/Toshirou Hitsugaya
Heart No Kuni No Alice-Blood Dupre/Julius Monrey/Alice Liddell
Gakuen Alice-Mikan Sakura/Natsume Hyuuga/Imai Subaru/Ruka Nogi/Tsubasa Ando
Rurouni Kenshin-Kenshin Himura/Sojiro Seta/Aoshi Shinomori
The Gentleman's Alliance Cross-Takanari Togu/Haine Otomiya
Alice 19th-Kyo Wakamiya/Alice Seno/Frey
Shugo Chara-Ikuto Tsukiyomi/Amu Hinamori
Yu Yu Hakusho-Kurama/Hiei/Yusuke
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle-Fai D. Flourite/Syaoran Li
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion-Lelouch Lamperouge
Gundam SEED-Athrun Zala/Cagalli Yula Atha
Watashi Ni XX Shinasai-Kitami Shigure

The list goes on to pretty much anything =P I've read many more manga so if you want to strike up a discussion about a mangaka/game/anime/movie creator on this list, don't be afraid to ask! I've looked at many works by each of the above authors/artists!

-My Deviantart(active)

Something random you should know: I LOVE it when people draw the character's personality is intact(in other words, unchanged)~ it really gives the picture a better feel because they act the same as they were made to be.

Tap your heels together 3 times and you'll find your way home!

Hiya everyone~~~! *super mega glomps you all* Special thanks to those that commented on my last post(Ryuchu, iKarebear, Mizu No Youkai and Just.Me- thank you guys!)...I was feeling really down but I got some special encouragement from you all so I felt so much better ^^ Thank you guys for being so incredible to me, it really is a wonderful feeling to be able to be friends with you all!
And I'm also letting you know that if there is ever something that I do wrong or otherwise, please don't hesitate to be honest with me. It's very hard to get me mad because a lot of the time because I really try to perceive an honest comment as being good for me, in which sometimes it is. *nods*

But yes! As the title says, I'm going home!! I shall be home tomorrow(aka July 3rd!) so I'm really excited<3 I'm sure you guys know where the title is referenced from as well?

And I've got quite a bit of art that I'll just need to touch up and scan for you guys ^^ So be prepared for that! Take care everyone and I'll see you back in AMERICA! =P
Oh and happy Canada day~ xD <33

REALLY short mini rant post


Have you ever had a moment when you feel like you're being annoying and people SAY you aren't but in truth you think you still are? Well I'm having a moment like that right now. There's a fine line between being nice and being sincere as opposed to faking a nice compliment to not give the truth. I'm having a blah moment right now because I'm really trying my best to be as nice a friend as possible and I still feel like I've got so many issues that people really dislike about me. I mean sure, you can't please EVERYONE, but when a problem like this happens between me and some friends it really hurts and gives me this hollow and painful feeling in my stomach T__T
Sorry about this guys...I'll leave a proper post in the morning and delete this one later. But right now I felt like writing this out. I go back to Florida in 2 days!

Take care everyone and I'm sorry if I was wasting your time with this post T__T You don't have to read or comment..you guys have better things to do *nods*


Lost another subscriber...OTL

Hiya everyone~ I've been gone for a while so I thought it best to let you know how I was doing(though some of you may not care xD).
Well today was mostly shopping for clothes...I couldn't really buy anything because the latest trend right now is something that doesn't suit me so that was fail xD But I watched Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen and it was AMAZINGGGGGGG<33333333 The fight scenes were EPIC. Enough said xD

In other news, I went to karaoke for a second time the other day and I also got to see my parents' friends/eat dinner with them ^^ It was actually really fun and I got 3 more CD's, a DVD of BigBang's concert tour, and a folder with Superjunior on it with stickers inside 0__o I didn't expect those at ALL xD But it was very nice of them to buy me something so nice!

I also got to go grocery shopping and visit my grandma in the hospital~ not to mention I went to the CoeX and had such an amazing time there!(but again...clothes were too expensive=I couldn't buy anything xD)
Otherwise, that's pretty much it! xD I've been working on art...and I've been looking at CLAMP's art to inspire me in pose and clothing design. I promise I'll have lots to post for you all when I get back!

By the way, please pray for Innocent Heart(Meagan)'s grandmother who has breast cancer! She's going through a very tough time right now T__T

And also wish Sora Hanaki happy birthday! Happy birthday Sora-chan and I hope your day is especially fantastic on your special day!<3

Things to do/I'm working on:
-Seila and Kyoshiro(request for my sister)
-Razrael and Riiya(random art xD)
-Art trade for Sakurie-chan part 2
-Art trade for Kiyoko-chan part 1 and 2
-Challenge art: Nostalgia(Sayoko-chan)
-Challenge art: KirSor love(Den-chan)
-Challenge art: Switch!(Unknown-chan)
-Manga pages for KH fan manga
-Other art I can't remember right now because I'm drawing too many things xD

Take care everyone!<3

Constructive Criticism?

Hiya everyone ^^ This is Sayura...at an ungodly hour xDD You guys are all sleeping right now(I'm hoping) but that's okay, I'm leaving a post that I would like you guys's opinions on, if that's alright.

The title pretty much says it all, really xD Would you guys like me to give constructive criticism on your piccys? For those whose main focus is wallpapers and e-cards, you guys are amazing already so I don't need to critique yours I don't believe xD

However for those that focus mainly on fanart(which I assume is a majority of you), I'm asking you guys if you want me to give constructive criticism. I recently received a pm from someone that said I was being too harsh with my suggestions on art...something like 'if they don't ask for it, don't give it'.
So for those that want me to give constructive criticism or think I should continue with the way I'm commenting(just giving suggestions only some of the time when I see something), let me know if that's alright.

I'm more than willing to bet that the same people that usually comment here are going to comment on this post, by the way xD
Take care everyone~

EDIT: I just realized that the above post might have sounded like I was making some kind of major reform or something xD But actually I'm not~ just because I give constructive criticism, doesn't mean I'll stop giving my support/positive feedback of your art ^^ Trust me, I just look to support my friends, is all *nods* Forgive me if the above sounded kind of rude or anything!

I still wonder why theOtaku won't let us see all missed stuff....

Hiya everyone....I'm EXHAUSTED xD

The trip was LOADS of fun~! We didn't do THAT much but what we did do was fantastic ^^ First we went rafting and it actually wasn't that bad...however the arm that I didn't row with right was EXTREMELY sore and it hurt sooo much last night T___T And I almost pulled a muscle in my leg after my foot caught on to the holder and I practically fell out of the raft because the waters were moving so fast.
It was overall fun though xD And there was LOTS of good food on the way ^^
On top of that, we went to an arcade and I played DDR in some mini competition there and won! =P On a really hard level too *nods* It made my day xD The hiking was also nice with all of the scenery and beautiful landscapes ^^
And to top it all off, we spent the night in these mini vacation homes that had a REALLY annoying alarm system that kept going off xDD But it was really nice...except for the flies.(I killed 2 with a TOWEL! YEAH) xD And I apologized to the flies T__T
OMG the most painful part however were the BEDS at the vacation home place @__@ It was practically a rock bed!(which actually exists, by the way..my uncle owns one..it's SOOO uncomfortable) so my back STILL hurts right now since I just got home *sighs* Oh and my arms too.

I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT THEOTAKU WILL NOT LET ME SEE ALL MISSED ITEMS T___T I only leave for a day and I have a full page of missed submissions AND world posts! So I really don't know if I saw everything...which I probably didn't.
But anyways, I apologize because being able to comment every single one of these submissions will take sooo much time, gomen ne T__T I'll try and find some time to get through all of them!

Take care everyone~ and I hope you guys have been doing well!