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Lovely card above by the incredible Angel Zakuro!<3 Thank you!<3

Hiya everyone~ ^^ Welcome to my little world!
This is probably just a place where I'll put my posts and such~ otherwise, probably not much is going to happen here ^^;
And the rest, I'll leave to you guys!~ Enjoy~

Art trades: Closed(sorta)
Requests: Closed
Gifties: Open(but only at my discretion, naturally)

A bit of information about me:

Name: Sayura/Sayura-chan(so friends call me)
Birthday: October 14th
Age: 20
Hobbies: Drawing, golfing, archery, playing piano, singing(some) and some other things ^^

Likes in no particular order(manga/anime/movie/game-wise):
Howl's Moving Castle-Howl/Sophie
Final Fantasy Series-Cloud/Leon/Tidus/Yuna/Vaan/Rasler/Ashe/Serah
Kingdom Hearts Series-Cloud Strife/Riku/Roxas/Namine
Hana Kimi-Izumi Sano/Mizuki Ashiya
Code:Breaker- Ogami Rei/Sakura SakuraKouji/Hitomi/Toki/Hachiouji Rui
Tegami Bachi/Letter Bee- Gauche Suede/Lag/Jiggy Pepper/Aria /Zazie
Claymore- Miria/Isley/Clare/Riful/Teresa/Raki
Bleach- Kuchiki Rukia/Kuchiki Byakuya/Kurosaki Ichigo/Ishida Uryu/Toshirou Hitsugaya
Heart No Kuni No Alice-Blood Dupre/Julius Monrey/Alice Liddell
Gakuen Alice-Mikan Sakura/Natsume Hyuuga/Imai Subaru/Ruka Nogi/Tsubasa Ando
Rurouni Kenshin-Kenshin Himura/Sojiro Seta/Aoshi Shinomori
The Gentleman's Alliance Cross-Takanari Togu/Haine Otomiya
Alice 19th-Kyo Wakamiya/Alice Seno/Frey
Shugo Chara-Ikuto Tsukiyomi/Amu Hinamori
Yu Yu Hakusho-Kurama/Hiei/Yusuke
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle-Fai D. Flourite/Syaoran Li
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion-Lelouch Lamperouge
Gundam SEED-Athrun Zala/Cagalli Yula Atha
Watashi Ni XX Shinasai-Kitami Shigure

The list goes on to pretty much anything =P I've read many more manga so if you want to strike up a discussion about a mangaka/game/anime/movie creator on this list, don't be afraid to ask! I've looked at many works by each of the above authors/artists!

-My Deviantart(active)

Something random you should know: I LOVE it when people draw the character's personality is intact(in other words, unchanged)~ it really gives the picture a better feel because they act the same as they were made to be.

Difficult week up ahead!

Hiya everyone!! This is going to be an incredibly short short post but I wanted to apologize for lack of art >.< I've been dumping(sort of) commissions from gaiaonline on DA as opposed to posting them here because I want to show you guys my bestest of the best work whenever I post here, always! *nods* So again sorry you guys >.< But this week it's going to be CRAZY! I'm hoping to have something for you guys this weekend though~ so get ready! *hugs you all* Love you guys so much and take care<333 Thank you all for being a bright light in every day, it really does make me feel better to know you guys are here~

Raise your hand if you thought I was dead xD

As the title says LOL! Hiya everyone!! My gosh that has got to be the LONGEST hiatus I've ever had to take without updating my posts for theOtaku! >.< And MAN was it long! *whew* I've barely had any opportunities(actually, I've had NO opportunities) to work on art at all!

Today itself wasn't a horrible day...it actually went by pretty okay ^^ But anyways, just letting you know that I'm alive and I promise I'll get around to comments this weekend >.< I apologize to you all for not having been active enough(some of the reason being...seeing as I have less than 30 hugs on my latest piccy xD), but anyways, I do hope you all appreciate my comments when I do get to comment.

But all in all, I just wanted to say hello and that I'm back after somewhat of a stressful okay day xD Love you guys sooo much and it's great to be back! *huggles you all* Take care!

Happy Labor Day and new art!!

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Hiya everyone!! Just leaving a quick post to let you all know I posted some new art and that I wanted to wish you all a happy labor day! ^^ I hope you guys are enjoying your long weekends and take care!!<3

Simple and Clean.<3

Hiya everyone!!~ It's Saturday and it's been another lonngg break between updates(sorry xD), but I'm back for the long weekend~!!

And to start off I've officially beaten Kingdom Hearts:Re Chain of Memories!!<3333333 I love Kingdom hearts soo much T__T I'm so so happy that the end of Reverse/Rebirth for Riku was different from the Gameboy version, it was so nice to have a surprise(though the ending battle was kind of anti-climactic since it was so easy xD).

I got around to a lot of comments today and I've just been itching to draw some new art for you guys! I've got a lot of piccys that are in progress...but I'm determined to finish some and have at least one posted this weekend! xD I'm soo inspired after beating KH: Re CoM so yeah lol.

My second week of school went fantastically~! Very fast...lots of tests and quizzes xD It's only the second week and I've already had a test and/or quiz in every subject LOL. Everything is great though ^^ Plus not that much work is this weekend so I'm really happy! *nods*

I love you guys so much and it's so great to be back<3 Take care everyone and good luck with everything!

Down the Rabbit Hole and Back Again!

Hiya everyone!! Gosh I've been away from this site for too long! My first week of school was incredible<333 I loved it soo much~! I'm sorry for lack of art, but school has already gotten me pretty busy since it started >.<(LOL my bus broke down on the first day of school and I was late to my first period xDDD)

Even so, it's back to school and out again for another weekend! The first week went by really fast for me. But anyways, so many great things have happened to me this week~ let me start off with my schedule first though:

4)American History

I really love the order of my classes except for pre-calculus...golf is really going to cut my time out of that class and man, it just happens to be my worst class xD I am not that great at math despite what you guys think lol, I just work really hard for the class. I'm getting it though!(but then again, it is only the first week...)

Anyways, golf practice this week went really well~ I've already helped get together the matches and everything and our first one is next week at our home course against GHS so I'm pretty excited ^^

I love the seats I have in each of my classes except for 5th period kinda...the seating in my first period class is definitely best though =P

In art news, I've really been trying to get time in to finish my gender bender piccy because it's INSANELY late, but I want to get it up for you guys anyway. I'm sorry to say but I'm probably going to have to stop the comeback piccys after I post this one because school is just crazy with work and golf GAH @__@
Even so, just letting you all know, I'm not dead. And I am SO sorry for lack of comments, I will definitely get around to them this weekend! *hugs you all* I sure hope everyone's school time is going okay! I love you guys so much and take care!