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Lovely card above by the incredible Angel Zakuro!<3 Thank you!<3

Hiya everyone~ ^^ Welcome to my little world!
This is probably just a place where I'll put my posts and such~ otherwise, probably not much is going to happen here ^^;
And the rest, I'll leave to you guys!~ Enjoy~

Art trades: Closed(sorta)
Requests: Closed
Gifties: Open(but only at my discretion, naturally)

A bit of information about me:

Name: Sayura/Sayura-chan(so friends call me)
Birthday: October 14th
Age: 20
Hobbies: Drawing, golfing, archery, playing piano, singing(some) and some other things ^^

Likes in no particular order(manga/anime/movie/game-wise):
Howl's Moving Castle-Howl/Sophie
Final Fantasy Series-Cloud/Leon/Tidus/Yuna/Vaan/Rasler/Ashe/Serah
Kingdom Hearts Series-Cloud Strife/Riku/Roxas/Namine
Hana Kimi-Izumi Sano/Mizuki Ashiya
Code:Breaker- Ogami Rei/Sakura SakuraKouji/Hitomi/Toki/Hachiouji Rui
Tegami Bachi/Letter Bee- Gauche Suede/Lag/Jiggy Pepper/Aria /Zazie
Claymore- Miria/Isley/Clare/Riful/Teresa/Raki
Bleach- Kuchiki Rukia/Kuchiki Byakuya/Kurosaki Ichigo/Ishida Uryu/Toshirou Hitsugaya
Heart No Kuni No Alice-Blood Dupre/Julius Monrey/Alice Liddell
Gakuen Alice-Mikan Sakura/Natsume Hyuuga/Imai Subaru/Ruka Nogi/Tsubasa Ando
Rurouni Kenshin-Kenshin Himura/Sojiro Seta/Aoshi Shinomori
The Gentleman's Alliance Cross-Takanari Togu/Haine Otomiya
Alice 19th-Kyo Wakamiya/Alice Seno/Frey
Shugo Chara-Ikuto Tsukiyomi/Amu Hinamori
Yu Yu Hakusho-Kurama/Hiei/Yusuke
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle-Fai D. Flourite/Syaoran Li
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion-Lelouch Lamperouge
Gundam SEED-Athrun Zala/Cagalli Yula Atha
Watashi Ni XX Shinasai-Kitami Shigure

The list goes on to pretty much anything =P I've read many more manga so if you want to strike up a discussion about a mangaka/game/anime/movie creator on this list, don't be afraid to ask! I've looked at many works by each of the above authors/artists!

-My Deviantart(active)

Something random you should know: I LOVE it when people draw the character's personality is intact(in other words, unchanged)~ it really gives the picture a better feel because they act the same as they were made to be.

Happy Holidays!!<3

Hello everyone!! Gosh it's been a while but it is WINTER BREAK and I finally can relax and enjoy myself until Christmas(in which...I have to start working again OTL)! But enough about that, how have you all been? Well I hope!

I've been recovering from being sick and I must say I really do feel better ^^ I just finished my LAST COMMISSION OMG so I'm working on my big pic =P And trust me, it's huge xD I've already started inking, so I'm super excited! I haven't submitted something since...September 7th I believe? xD;

Gosh I can't believe it's already December! It feels like just yesterday that I was already making New Year's resolutions for THIS year xD
You guys have all improved so much<3 I love you guys! I'll be leaving yet another post in a few days time, so I won't be gone long =P Take care you guys!

Terribly ill and one week until break...

*coughs* Hiya everyone...man I am TERRIBLY ill T__T I can't be on the computer long because if I sit in one position for a while I start getting sick again >.< I'm soo sorry for lack of art but there is only one week left until I start winter break, so I'm hoping to feel better by then!
This is the WORST week of all weeks to get sick(5 tests, 2 papers, and a media script *sighs*). I love you guys so so much and I'm sorry I'm not a good enough friend to visit you all enough T__T Take care everyone!

Hello Thanksgiving and Black Friday!

Hiya everyone~ I'm sorry I'm late with this, but Happy Belated Thanksgiving! I hope you all had some wonderful Thanksgiving dinners with your families/friends and enjoyed their company! ^^
There are lots of HUGE Black Friday sales happening today...anyone going to any of them?(I was planning on it, but waking up at 4:30 to shop is kinda a bit much for me after going to bed at 3am xDD)
So I've been telling you all about this miraculous comeback pic I've been working on? Well it's going to be done traditionally since I miss using my pens and colored pencils~ I really hope you guys enjoy it!
If you all have been wondering how my art has been progressing, here is my latest finished piece~ it's on DA, but that's because it's not my BEST work, and I'd rather not bombarde this place with my commissions if I can help it xD

Latest finished piece~have I improved at least a little? xD

Well I'll leave it at that~ I have a feeling you guys will love the comeback pic since I'm loving it already. =P
And I'll be getting to comments after I return from watching 2012 today ^^ Take care you guys!<33
Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAKU-CHAN!<3 I hope it's amazing!

Short post...

Hiya everyone!! I promised that I wouldn't be so negligent of this site and I will hold true to that! *nods* I've only got one more commission left and then I'll be back to posting art on here again!
I've been trying to keep up with everyone's beautiful work and I've sadly been struggling quite a bit. But don't worry~ that's what weekends are for! ^^
This week was AWFUL but..that's another story =P
Take care everyone~ and see you all around!

Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood...

Where Christopher Robin plays,
We'll find the enchanted neighborhood
Of Christopher's childhood days~

Hiya everyone, and happy early Veteran's day! My golf coach is actually a veteran herself, so I best put out my feelings for them as well. I do hope all of our soldiers are doing well out there.

Also, pertaining to the title, I've been sort of getting back into drawing!! I'm still in a bit of a slump, but I'm trying to get some stuff done *nods* I'm really hoping to make a big come back with a finished piece...and I think I've got just the one!(Or just a few, rather *titlehinthint*)

I've also been promoted to Otaku Legend! >.< I'm sooo happy and it's such an honor! *jumps around* I've been around here for more than 3 years, so it's quite a big deal to me. My commenting style is pretty well-known, so I hope to keep that going. *nods* I hope you all enjoy my comments as much as I love doing them! I really do encourage you guys to really get out there and comment more, even on pieces by artists/card-makers/etc you don't know ^^

And! Tomorrow is also a day off! xD Random, but I like it<3 And Christmas as well as Thanksgiving are coming up!!~ I'm soo excited! *hugs you all* I hope you guys are doing well!(don't worry about commenting this..I just wanted to say hello ^^)