The names Samantha. Nicknames: Sammi, Sam, Mantha, Sammich. Call me whatever floats your boat. I'm from the Vietnam, babes.

I always care a little bit too much. [...]

I'm a beta reader, so if there's any piece of writing that you want me to proofread before sending off for publication, just shoot me a PM and I'd be happy to help you!

:] <3 If you don't know me, get to know me. You'll have me for life.

Election Day Tomorrah!

Song: {Angel by: Sarah Mclachlan}
Moods: Tired, thoughtful, and sad.

:] Beautiful song, peeps. She has one of the most beautiful voices on this planet. I cried so much when I had to sing this song for a performance. People came up to me afterwards and they were crying too. An old lady came up to me, crying, saying that her son had died in Iraq, and that the song reminded her of him. She said that she couldn't mourn his death until after my performance. She thanked me for "touching her heart" and helping her let go. It's truly satisfying to know that you've touched somebody like that. It reminds me of my aunt. She died of breast cancer on October 1, 2007 (ironic, no? October is breast cancer awareness month.) It was a pretty horrible, graphic-esque battle, that I'll probably not tell you here. That's when PM's come in handy, peeps. I never got to say goodbye to her. My mom told me that she didn't want me to see her the way she was. The last time I saw her, she was stick skinny with scabs covering her body, and fuzz on her head. How worse could it get really? *sigh* She's buried in Connecticut. That's across the country (from where I live, anyways)

*slaps myself* Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts!
Election day tomorrah! Wooop! Who are you for? >< Me ish for Obama. If you are McCain, dun worry, I still love you. <3 I think it's silly to let your presidential pick get in the way of friendships. I'm going through that right now with a ... friend.

No on Prop 8! If you don't live in California, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. So ignore me. But if you DO live in Cali, and you DO know what I'm talking about... then heyheyhey ;] Ahaha.
Anyways, so my friend asked me today how my love-life is. Sucky, that's how! Ahaha, my love life is on hiatus indef. It made me kinda sad though. Cuz, I swear, all my friends are in the Honeymooners Phase of their relationships right now. And me, single nobody, is by herself. Stupid ex boyfriend--cheating on me...

But I miss the feeling of being with somebody. You don't feel so lonely. You feel that at least somebody looks at you differently than your friends do, y'know?

Gah it sucks. Like, hello, everybody please stop sucking face with your BF in front of Single Sam.

Ahaha, oh well. I'll find somebody. [?]

And other craziness is making me sad. :[ But it's too depressing for your ears. :) Happy thoughts!

Have a good day, peeps. Mwahs, loves you.

Kay: Baby, I'm losing it. :|

What the Shit?

Song: {Masochist by: Ingrid Michaelson}
Mood: Happy an pissed. SO bipolar, betches! {I'm really not bipolar. Sarcasm thing. Yeah...}

Latin peeps pissing me off guys. I almost punched a girl today. SO today, we were supposed to film at one of the group member's house. We were supposed to meet at ten. She calls me at ten and says that she's not home.


So I went crazy going to her house and calling people and telling them not to come and everybody was pissed off at her. Turns out that she had slept over at her friend's house on Friday and her mom was in freakin LA (a good hour's drive from where I live) so she couldn't get a ride. So as the leader, I went .... "FUCK IT, we're meeting at the library. With or without that bitch."

So everybody goes to the library, la la la. And to my surprise, another group member says that she offered that girl a ride here, and she declined. So she basically tried to bullshit her way out of it. Then another group guy is looking through his phone and he goes,

"What the shit? She's on AIM right now."

So we go to the park to film without the bitch. La la la. Then she calls and is like "I'm at home now."

Well whoopdedoo, Barbie. What do you expect me to do about it? So me and the group is like "Hell no, we don't want that bitch to come here." but somebody told her. And she came.

Damn. I've been up on my feet since 7 AM with only water all day. I got to sit at 9 PM! Holy crap am I tired.

But Kay made my day better! :] Thanks, baby. Now I'm all happily, so you don't have to deal with me punching holes into walls or nothing. Thank her. Go do it now.

OMGosh...While I was thinking of a swanky title, I totally just remembered that I have some Chocolat

Song: {Flume By: Bon Iver} For serial, look it up. The lyrics are hella beautiful. BUT go on youtube and look up the Kina Grannis version of this song. Beautifuller! Wait....I'll post the video. ;]

Mood: Pissed off. (Not as much as yesterday though. Hah)

TADA. Just ignore her chatting at the end, if you don't want to hear her. Or just press pause. OH! 3

EDIT (yosh, in the BEGINNING of the post, that's right): Dang the title got cut off. It's supposed to say Chocolate SOY MILK!

KAY so my new swing partner is an complete son of a SNitch! (Thanks 9tailed! ;]) We were in the middle of doing a backflip and he just sets me down and gets his stuff. So I go "Oh you have to leave?" "Yeah I'm ditching. I'm gonna go socialize. Later." And he leaves. He was there for ten minutes. AND to add insult to injury, his friends were five feet away from where we were practicing. So I was like "WHAT THE FU--DGE?!" I was partnerless!

So to make him jealous, Ryan and I did a new stunt. ^-^ It looks kinda like a sex position though... =.= The girl is standing with her back to the guy's chest. He grabs her waist and she jumps up and wraps her legs around his waist, but she's still facing outward. That means you have to jump up, and throw your legs up and BACK around, peeps. And you can't hold on to anything! It's crazay. You're just "sitting" there and you have to use your hands to point out to the audience and the guy is just completely supporting your whole entire body. ^-^; it was scary, but I trust Ryan. :]

So yeah, I think I'm gonna have to find a new partner. We only have like five meetings left to make a routine, practice, and perfect it so we can perform. I can't have him ditching me, y'know? He decided to join, and he can't make the committment. And he's constantly raggin' on me.

"You're doing this wrong."
"Well tell me what I'm supposed to do."
"You're supposed to do THIS!"
"Ow, you asshole! You just popped my shoulder!"
"That's your fault not mine!"
"You're not supposed to go that fast. It twists my wrist."
"How do you know?"
"Uh. I've been here longer than you, that's how."
"Well find another partner then."
"I will. You're replacable."

=.= it tires me. *sob* I want Ryan.


That sounded wrong.

>> Me feet are dirty. I danced shoe-less today.

OMG it started sprinkling today! I was so excited! Me an all me friends started screaming and running around. But it was BARELY sprinkling. BUT STILL!

It's a sign.

Fall has arrived.


Kay baby, thanks uberly much for the pumpkin! XD I loveee you! Happeh Halloween, sweet girl.

Biznatch, Shut Up!

Song: {Tired by: Adele}
Mood: Murderous ._. -> -> -> I shoot mental arrows at choo!

{Sorry, for the cussing. I am angry.}

So today was LATIN Banquet day, and you all know how much I ADORE those... Whoopie. Fun. Yay. I hope you guys realize I'm being sarcastic. Some people just aren't that bright. j/k I love you all. X]

So my group and I go outside to discuss biznass. And last week, we sat in the shade and half of the group was not listening to me cause they were talking with their friends from other classes in the shade. So I didn't want that to happen unfortunately, we had to sit in the hot sun. But I start walking over there and only two people are following me--and the rest of the group is going to the shade. And I'm like "Yo! Get over here!"

And commence the whines of:

"But it's hot!" "The shade's over here!" "Bitch, whatchoo doin'?" "Hell no, I'm not sitting over there." Why we have to go there?!"

And I go "Cuz last time you guys weren't even listening to me because you were getting distracted by THEM! *points*

Then choruses of:

"Girl, you trippin'" "I don't even know them!" "It's hot!" "Samantha, are you crazy?!"

Then I go insane and just go "GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE NOW!"
And they DON'T listen. So I sit down at the hot table and I just sit there and wait for them, tapping my pencil. They stand there for like twenty seconds and they finally come over. >< Afterwards, I realize that I was being a bitch...but really...I can only be bitchy to get them to listen to me.

And then...*jane (*not her real name...yahs) is being a little grody bitch and fighting with everything I'm saying.

"No, that won't work" "No that's not a good idea."

And she's been talking shit behind my back. Like "Oh my group has no sense of leadership. The leader can't lead."


Bitch, that's me you're talking about! I'd like to see you try dealing with all this shit for a week. And she's been complaining about how "i'm doing everything!" and my friend asked her, "Well what did you do?" "I did the script I was supposed to do."

Oh. Oodles of things you did. I'm shaking in my ballet shoes.

Bitch, I had to use my own pocket money to get supplies for all you lazy ass idiots. I had to write five of the scripts assigned. She wrote ONE AND it was the one I assigned to her. And she's complaining and all this shit. I had to plan everything going on in the group. I'm wasting an hour of my time everyday to talk with the whole group over telephone to help them.


Phew. I feel better! ^-^ Otay, I'll try to limit the cussing to a minimum now. Sorry.

So I just got back from the library {Time is 9:05} cause of the dumbest English project ever...and mah guy friennd bought me some Starbucks. His friends invented this drink. It's so good! (Don't spread the recipe around TOO much..He'll be mad at me..) But I heart you and I can't keep this miracle from you guys.

Venti, black tea, 3/4 soy milk, no water, ez ice, and ten pumps of classic.

You have to get the Venti size. Anything smaller tastes like shi-- *chokes* poop. Cuz its more concentrated when its smaller and its...bleh. You get a Venti for $2.10! That's how much the smallest size costs, usually. But I guess it's cheaper when you make your own custom drink.

But yeah. :D Me an him are gonna name it "Flying Boba"

>< Pah, us silly Asians; naming drinks.

P.S. Swing is tomorrow! :D


Song: {Like A Song by: Lenka} <<whoah, mind trip.
Mood: Perplexed/Happeh/Stressed/Ahhhh!/Worried for a friend.

*looks at title*

Oh gawd. That sounds wrong.

OKAY so quick recapitulation of today:

-Got some REAL ballet shoes! Yippee!
-Chemistry is driving me crazy.
-C=6.626x10^ -34
-C=3.00x10^ -8
-I got spray cheese from one of my bff's, kilalalover, aka brianna, aka neko, aka my squishy. I hate you with a burning passion, my lovely! ^-^
-Gave my last and final note to my ex today.
-Two of my guy friends are gay lovers. ^-^ kidding, m'dears.
-Band director scared the shet out of me today. He completely lost it and was like "PUT AWAY YOUR STUFF! I REFUSE to teach a band that insists on sounding this SHITTY!" =.= So everybody puts their stuff away and sits down (me and the other vocalist just sat there. Our instruments are our VOICES. ooh) and he left the room and was like "And don't you DARE open your mouths!" So we sit there for five minutes, SILENT. He comes back and he's like "Good morning Jazz 2, please get your instruments out and do B flat scales."
-I feel nauseaous....

Okay, g'bye my lovelies. Sorry for the lack of postage today...