Biznatch, Shut Up!

Song: {Tired by: Adele}
Mood: Murderous ._. -> -> -> I shoot mental arrows at choo!

{Sorry, for the cussing. I am angry.}

So today was LATIN Banquet day, and you all know how much I ADORE those... Whoopie. Fun. Yay. I hope you guys realize I'm being sarcastic. Some people just aren't that bright. j/k I love you all. X]

So my group and I go outside to discuss biznass. And last week, we sat in the shade and half of the group was not listening to me cause they were talking with their friends from other classes in the shade. So I didn't want that to happen unfortunately, we had to sit in the hot sun. But I start walking over there and only two people are following me--and the rest of the group is going to the shade. And I'm like "Yo! Get over here!"

And commence the whines of:

"But it's hot!" "The shade's over here!" "Bitch, whatchoo doin'?" "Hell no, I'm not sitting over there." Why we have to go there?!"

And I go "Cuz last time you guys weren't even listening to me because you were getting distracted by THEM! *points*

Then choruses of:

"Girl, you trippin'" "I don't even know them!" "It's hot!" "Samantha, are you crazy?!"

Then I go insane and just go "GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE NOW!"
And they DON'T listen. So I sit down at the hot table and I just sit there and wait for them, tapping my pencil. They stand there for like twenty seconds and they finally come over. >< Afterwards, I realize that I was being a bitch...but really...I can only be bitchy to get them to listen to me.

And then...*jane (*not her real name...yahs) is being a little grody bitch and fighting with everything I'm saying.

"No, that won't work" "No that's not a good idea."

And she's been talking shit behind my back. Like "Oh my group has no sense of leadership. The leader can't lead."


Bitch, that's me you're talking about! I'd like to see you try dealing with all this shit for a week. And she's been complaining about how "i'm doing everything!" and my friend asked her, "Well what did you do?" "I did the script I was supposed to do."

Oh. Oodles of things you did. I'm shaking in my ballet shoes.

Bitch, I had to use my own pocket money to get supplies for all you lazy ass idiots. I had to write five of the scripts assigned. She wrote ONE AND it was the one I assigned to her. And she's complaining and all this shit. I had to plan everything going on in the group. I'm wasting an hour of my time everyday to talk with the whole group over telephone to help them.


Phew. I feel better! ^-^ Otay, I'll try to limit the cussing to a minimum now. Sorry.

So I just got back from the library {Time is 9:05} cause of the dumbest English project ever...and mah guy friennd bought me some Starbucks. His friends invented this drink. It's so good! (Don't spread the recipe around TOO much..He'll be mad at me..) But I heart you and I can't keep this miracle from you guys.

Venti, black tea, 3/4 soy milk, no water, ez ice, and ten pumps of classic.

You have to get the Venti size. Anything smaller tastes like shi-- *chokes* poop. Cuz its more concentrated when its smaller and its...bleh. You get a Venti for $2.10! That's how much the smallest size costs, usually. But I guess it's cheaper when you make your own custom drink.

But yeah. :D Me an him are gonna name it "Flying Boba"

>< Pah, us silly Asians; naming drinks.

P.S. Swing is tomorrow! :D
