Ode to the Terrible

Or something like that. Life's doing that thing where it likes to be garbage.

Mostly my computer is freaking out and breaking. AND IT DESTROYS ME. BECAUSE EVERYTHING I EVER HAD IS GONE FOREVER. Only memories remain. Which is cool in a cleansing sort of way. BUT IT'S SUCKS FOR MY INNER HOARDER. Like I'm srsly half-way to breaking down. Half of me is all "WHY OH GOD WHY?! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS" and the other part of me is all "Meh, you needed this. You were really piling stuff up, and it's about time you had a clean sweep. God doesn't give you what you can't handle" And then that other part of me is all "STFU I'M SUFFERING I DON'T NEED YOU REASON SOBOSOBSOBSOBENDLESSSOB" It's quite an ordeal for me. The main problem is I don't want to tell my parents it's broke and go and get it fix and stuff.... If it doesn't break down this time... I think it'll be safe to start over... Interestingly enough it sorta goes with my hiatus so that's cool...

BUT YEAH... other than that. STORMS LIKE ALL THE TIME. My mom has been depressed and taking it out on everyone being all "I'M ANGRY AND SAD AND DISAPPOINT" And it's really hard to handle, since I try to avoid making people feel that way. It sucks hard core! AND I HAVE TO GO AND TALK WITH AN ADVISOR FOR SCHOOL... and advisor isn't even a word according to Mozilla. It should be adviser... but w/e my school spells it advisor. AND I GONNA TRY AND GO TO THE THEATRE AND GET AN APPLICATION. And that really freaks me out. FFFF SOCIAL ANXIETY GO AWAY.

But in something that doesn't suck completely... I'm getting a bit more religious. It's hard though because there isn't one that I like fully agree with (as far as I'm aware). I got like mostly Christian beliefs thanks to my parents... but I have a hard time believing in Jesus because I'm all "WHAT IF HE'S A FALSE IDOL" So IDK. It's a weird sort of thing where I'm like "I believe in God and doing good" but that's about it.

Man I have a feeling I'm a really boring person...
