Ugh I don't know what it is but I'm feeling super anxious today. I was okay earlier, I was just super bored. But then my parents left to go to the movies (Dinner for Schmucks! And they didn't take me!), and I sat down to browse through some films on Netflicks when I was suddenly over come by the thought of "What if they died in a car accident?! What am I going to do if they died?! THEY CAN'T EVER TRAVEL TOGETHER AGAIN!" And then my nose starting dripping and I started crying. I would be srsly helpless without my parents. And if they both died I would totally breakdown. So I really freaked myself out. I also thought about what if they just left. What if they finally decided that they were going to move out and leave us to fend for ourselves. So Basically I was freaking out about them never returning.
On a different note, I was looking through "scary movies" on Netflicks and they had Anastsia(I totally spelt that wrong but I don't want to look it up). I giggled but it was a scary movie. It was also my favourite when I was little. But they also had "Whatever Happen to Baby Jane?" and I was like Woah! I ended up watching Shiver. It was a weird spanish film about a wild child.
Anyway now I'm totally freaking out about college. Ugh college gives me srs anxiety. I'll only have like ten mintues to get to my classes (On tuesday and thrusday...), and I don't know where any of them are. I could find them on a map I suppose but still it's makes me nervous. And then I'm all "What if I fail?! I only did well in highschool because it was easy! I'm totally going to fail in college!!" (I'm a real negative nancy...) Ugh And I'm nervous about dorms and my weird roomate who plays the basoon. And I feel like I'm just wasting time in college because I don't have a major... I have no life goals! Haha I was thinking to myself how cool it would be if I could like dual-major in two langauges and then minor in a couple more.... I love languages so much. If it was up to me I would only study languages. SO MANY LANGUAGES~! Maybe I should major in a language.... But then which one... I'd say Chinese because that's a pretty major language... But I don't think they have chinese so the closest would be Japanese, and that one is like full because there are so many asains that go to that college~ then I guess spanish because here it's pretty important. But as much as I like spanish I don't want to study it anymore.
Well I'm feeling less anxious now... But I'm still sick which sucks... I hate my nose. No matter how many times I blow my nose it just gets stuffed up again. I'm also incredibly thristy but none of my bros will get me a drink and there's nothing to drink here so I have to suffer~ My lips are also incredibly chapped, and every time I stand up my head explodes in pain. Joys...
