Making Stuff~

Argh I don't know what's up with me back I'm totally obsessed with making things with my hands lately~ LOL and not like drawing~ I make those by hand all the time~ Maybe not like on sketchbook paper by hand, but like on computer by hand~ But no, this is not the point. What I mean is that I've crocheted a hat~ My first hat ever~ I'm so proud because I tried like a while ago and it never came out, but I made this hat in like a day~ It's green and kinda tiny but it covers my head and I added ear flaps and it's cute~ I'm working on a pink one now~ I think it's going to be bigger which is cool. Then I can give this green one to my buddy (HER AND HER SMALL HEAD!!!) and wear the pink one~ LOL when I was making the green one I was like "If I had some purple, white, and yellow I could totally make a drifloon hat~ And now I want to make one really mad~ It also works because my college's colourws are purple and white~ So that'll be cool~ I also made so Paper Cranes.... I kinda forgot how to but I figured it out~ LOL MAKING STUFF~ I want to make some paperchildren kind of things. And Artist trading cards but IDK why I would make those~ LOL I also need to work on Indigo~ But I have no design for Indigo. Indigo is my least favourite right now... ARGH I also totally forgot it came before purple. I thought it came before so I'm a little mixed up about that. GOSH I EVEN REMEMBERED ROY G. BIV but I forget that Indigo goes before purple! I'm an idiot Y/Y? Also Greant Aunt visiting means food in my house~ It's amazing I haven't eaten so much in such a long time~ My mom was practically starving us before~ Srsly I was surviving on PopTarts and Honeynut Cheerios. Probably had an awesome Cholestorol (LOOK AT ME SPELL BAD~). BUt today I had eggs and bacon and blueberry muffins and Swedish Fish and chicken and mashed potatoes and PuffCorn~ aw food is delicious~ My mom even bought me a Ginger ale aw today was nice~ My bud also swung by at friggin' 9pm RIGHT WHEN WE STARTED WATCHING A MOVIE!!! So I missed the movie D:< LOL It's cool though because I hardly get to talk to my bud anymoar because she has a job~! Her brother got his driver's license... I still don't have one!! But argh I never want to drive it's terrifying~ LOL this post has just been one giant pile of word vomit~ I'll stop now...
