Man, I should not be allowed to buy things. It just starts this "HAVE TO BUY SO MANY THINGS" sort of rampage. And also fills me with this weird sense of glee and accomplishment.

So today I had to buy a folder for English. I also get cheap folders for like 19 cents because I'm cheap and that's how I roll. But I didn't have exact change... and for small purchases... I feel weird if I don't. So I was like "I'll buy that 2H pencil I keep saying I'll buy someday". So I went and got one and was like "Need a sharpener" So I bought one. And then I was looking at marker/pens and was like "FFFF WANT~" And I struggled for like 10 minutes trying to decide if I should get one... I caved and got one. And now I'm all like "I love you pretty marker/pen~" It's a fine-tipped marker... and it acts more like a pen in my opinion. So IDK what to call it. But now... I want more. Like markers. I want some thick markers and stuff. FFF I want to try doing a comic traditionally~ Though my digital comic has gone no-where (I have ideas for ZoomZoom I'm just lazy/avoiding it).

BUT GOSH I want to but thicker markers/pens. FFFF They make me so happy though I hate the IRREVERSIBLE-ness of it all. I'm afraid of mistakes.
