

School sucked. But, it was Friday at least. Last period I looked out the window as the last ten minutes of class dragged by. I wondered what Snow was doing. If he was really ok. 'No, why am I thinking that? It’s just a game Candice, pull yourself together girl, you can’t keep falling for fictional characters. But he was just so dreamy, with faults that just made him more likeable…'

“Earth to Can, hey, come in…” I snapped my head back and saw Tara looking at me with a grin on her face. “You’re day dreaming, would that have anything to do with that new game you bought?” She asked.

“Actually yes. Its so amazing, you have to get it.” I smiled a little. She was one of the only ones who talked to me. We had just met this year, and I was very slowly letting my guard down with her. She was nice enough, but still.

“I’ve heard you like, get sucked into the game, virtual reality, is it really that good?” She asked. I nodded.

“It’s better than good. It’s literally like escaping reality.” I said. She smiled sadly.

“It’s Friday, so you can get your fix all weekend.” I nodded with a smile.

“Yeah, I’ll have the house to myself. Mom and Dad are going on another trip, I think to Vegas. You know how they love their trips.” I sighed.

“Yeah…” She rolled her eyes. “You know, if you need anything, just let me know. I’m here to help.” The bell rang and everyone sprung to their feet.

“Thank you, and yeah, I’ll let you know.” I nodded. Then I scurried home to find mom and dad dragging their suitcases downstairs. “Have fun.” I said as I passed them going up to my room.

“Money is on the counter, we love you Candy!” Mom said.

“It’s Candice. And love you too.” I called down and shut my door. Before I could let my emotions get to me, I had my game whipped out, watch clicked, ready to go.


'What the heck is all of this screaming?' I wondered. I lifted myself off my balcony where I spawned and looked out and saw, near the pool, two pink blobs and Lee swimming around happily. I raced down and made my way over. Talon was standing with his hand on his face, and his body was covered in bright pink dots with some larger patches here and there. On the other hand, Snow looked like he had been chewing 10 pieces of bubble gum and blew a bubble the size of himself and it popped and ate him. He was covered head to toe.

“Snow, what happened?!” I gasped and then looked at Lee who was jumping and cresting out of the water, giggling. “Oh…”

“This fishy is going to be cooked!” He yelled. I got closer and lifted his now extra heavy hair.

“Your beautiful hair…It’ll be ok, you just have to go wash it off.” I said and he hissed softly.

“But, that involves water.” He whined.

“You can’t lick it off this time. Come on.” Talon picked him up and walked away with him.

“Hey! Put me down! Just because you like bird baths doesn’t mean I do! Let me go don’t make me do it…” I followed Talon, finding every plea and comment that came out of Snow highly entertaining. We got to his room and Talon looked at me, not having to say anything and I turned on the bath water. “Nooooooooo!”

“Snow you aren’t going to die, now cooperate with me.” Talon ripped, literally, ripped his shirt off in the struggle.

“I don’t like it! I don’t like water in my ears!” Snow was trying to grab onto anything to keep himself away from the water. I looked in the cabinet and grabbed some cotton balls.

“Snow, here.” I leaned up and touched his face. He blinked at me and I gently put the cotton in his ears. “If you are good and don’t squirm too much they will help.” I said. Talon took the opportunity of his momentary calmness and yanked Snow’s pants off. “Wahhhhhh! H-Have fun with the bath!” I covered my eyes and ran to my own room. I slammed my door and I heard the scuffle continue. The only thing I saw was his magnificent pale ass, and I’m surprised I didn’t faint.

“Hisssssss Hissssss Talon, stop it! Its wet and icky and just make it stoooop….” I heard, and smiled. I knew his pain shouldn’t cause me to smile, but it was just so damn cute.

“Shut it! You’re making it worse!” Talon boomed and I laughed out loud. Even from 2 rooms away. I heard some other laughter too, and I assumed Light and Vic could hear too. I heard a light knock on my door.


“Come in.” I said. Sure enough Light came in and Vic was behind him a bit, and slowly came in as well.

“So you now see this side of him.” Light chuckled.

“Yeah, and as awful as it is, it’s kind of entertaining.” I said quietly and laughed. Vic smiled a little and nodded.

“I-I agree.” He said. Suddenly, my door burst open and I was being clung to by a very wet and very naked Snow.

“He’s pulling my hair, and suds are in my eyes Candy please help me, make him go away!” Snow cried. It was possible to fry an egg on my face.

“Y-You still have paint in you hair! You need to get it out…” I barely could squeeze out. Talon came running in, his clothes in tatters as well from the struggle.

“Do you have no manners at all?! Candice doesn’t want to see you like this!” Talon pried him off me and in a flash was out the door again with him. I stood up and looked at Light and Vic. Who both blinked and then burst out laughing. I sighed.

“Excuse me. I need to shower now too.” They nodded and left, and I quickly took my own shower, and looked around for some other clothes. I got into my closet and found a beautiful kimono. I heard the struggling stop, so I figured Talon was done with Snow’s bath. I grabbed a few layers and put the under most one on, but struggled for maybe half an hour with the layers and the tying. I wasn’t even Japanese, I had no clue how they worked. “Snow?” I called out. “Will you please help me?”