Nice to meet you! The name's Rishi. This is a place where Rishi posts fanfiction~! Yayz.

Neway, about Rishi...Rishi ish five-teen, Rishi talks in third person, Rishi loves making WORLD posts, Rishi's hyper and talks in third person, Rishi love love loooves manga (<3) and Rishi ish TEH GENKI GIRL!!! Don't know what that is? Lookit up!

Most of the stuff posted up here is nominated for publication, so be sure to check if it gets published. Please hug~cause hugs are niiiiice.

Rishi will write anything you would like! Just request it! Seriously!


You can find more about Rishi if you scroll around Rishi's WORLDS!

Favorite WORD fiction:

This one's adorable. Nuff said.

A sad little fic where Rishi's feelings for a special someone are voiced and...

Just a memory

A cute Naruto ficlit that deals with Hanabi's jealousy of Hani and her yearning for a "Big Brother"


Thank you!

Thank you all very much! ERR...IT'S FANFICTION has now gotten over 15,000 views! It's all thanks to Rishi's loyal visitors, especially Squee-Neji, mewmewpudding, Anna519 and everyone else! (^v^)

Let's keep going until the end of time! Yeah! Or something like that! Whatever, though. In all seriousness...

Rishi's going to keep trying and writing lots and lots of stuff, so make sure you're here to experiance Rishi as Rishi is growing up, maturing, and improving on her writing. Rishi's amazed at all the hits (and popularity in the top 55 WORLDS), so Rishi just wanted to take the time and thank everyone for their contributions and support.

Rishi really does love every single person who reads her writing and is kind enough to give a hug, favorite, or even comment on Rishi's writing. A lot of Rishi's heart goes into it, and most of the personal writing Rishi does are memories that Rishi has. Rishi may be childish and concited to think so, but Rishi thinks she's getting really good, so much that maybe someday Rishi will be the best writer on TheOtaku. (although, Rishi's far from it right now.)

When Rishi logged on today, Rishi was really happy to find that this WORLD is quickly becoming more and more popular.

Please stay with Rishi until the end!


Thank You

THANK YOU “Oy, Kyon.” Haruhi’s loud voice was louder than the chatting in the classroom as the final bell rang. I turned to the brunette girl with the orange hair band as I packed up my things. “Kyon, I’ve got som...

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