Hello, my name is Rima Toya. I am one of the youngest Night Class students and I work as a model alongside Senri Shiki. I am 170 cm, or 5'7 - quite tall. I am usually almost always with Shiki, as I care deeply for him and have a personality similar to his. As a Level B vampire, I possess electricity related abilities.

You know you're obsessed with VK when . . .

1.()You have all the mangas of VK
2.(x)You have seen every episode of it - 1st&Second season
3.(x)You pray every night for a third season
4.(x)You love Matsuri Hino even though you do not know her in person
5.(x)You would cry if it ever ended while you are still alive
6.(x)You thank God for Vampire Knight all the time!
7.(x)You have all songs from the anime on your I-Pod or whatever you listen to
8.(x)You wish your friends liked VK at least half as much as you do. :(
9.(x)You would even watch the English Dub of it! (even though they are usually awful!~
10.(x)You could talk about VK for hours, non-stop.
11.(x)You have drawn a person from VK at least once
12.(x)You write fanfictions of Vampire Knight
13.(x)You read other people's fanfictions of Vampire Knight
14.(x)You are want to be a vampire just because of VK
15.(x)You watch Youtube videos of Vampire Knight frequently
16.(x)You role-play Vampire Knight a little more than you should . . .
17.(x)You get angry when people compare VK to TWILIGHT
18.(x)You crush on/love at least one of the people off VK
19.()You count the days until a new manga of VK comes out
20.(x)You could tell someone the WHOLE story of VK without even pausing to think of it.


0-5= you barely care about VK
6-15= you like VK but you are not obsessed with it
15-20 = you are obsessed with VK

~I got 18! I'm obsessed.~
