Introduction to this world

Reviews with Ghost

I'm not too great with introductions so this isn't going to be anything really fancy, sorry everyone. =]

The main idea of this world is to maybe clear up some things about series, more so reviews. Because I know how frustrating it can be to buy a series or a manga and think it's going to be completely and utterly the best thing of the century and it ends up being the biggest flop ever, and you wish you spent whatever amount of money you spent on a series you already liked.

So I thought i'd help a little by making this.

Alright, we get it so how does this all work?

Well it's real simple. I'm going to write a short summery about the story and a mild plot line (Also the rating), and then i'm going to give the series a certain number out of five stars.

one star * being the lowest

Five stars ***** being the highest.

I'll be rating the series out of a few catagories such as,

Art Quality


Plot and Story design (if the story line is easy to follow)


Originality ***/*****

Cool! This sounds like a awsome idea! But wait, can we suggest series?

Of course you can! I just have a few rules, and they're aren't many. (I might add more if the need be)


2. Do not post your suggestions in a comment, comments are for what you though about my review and your thoughts on the series the review is about.

So then where do I send my suggestion?

Please send your seuggestion to...

[email protected]

Please write the name of the series and who the author is, also a small three sentace paragraph on why you might want it reviewed

Final Note

I'm going to have a banner up and made soon hopefully, so if you like my reviews please take it and advertise in your page. I'll return the favor and advertise your site as long as it isn't appropriate.

So start suggesting eveyone! It's only an email away.

P.S. It might take me a while to buy or read some series due to money shortage and the fact I can't drive right now so please be patient. I will have them up as soon as possible.
