Hi I'm Dranzerstorm
You may remember me as a regular contestant on the caption battle contest.
Welcome to Retro Retrospective, my world dedicated to the old guard of the Otaku world; expect some reviews of the old & obscure, and in-depth geeky knowledge with the occasional top ten and I now have a logo.

Little info about me
Well I'm British and I'm in to all things animated and nostalgia.
I've grown up with every cartoon going and have watched hundreds of anime.
Oh and to answer a question I was asked once, no I don't wear glasses in real life, I would wear Loke's sunglasses though.

Top 100 Anime 50-46

At this point I'm high on caffeine so two more posts before I crash and burn.

50. Lupin III
Everyone's favourite lovable rogue and probably one of the most recognisable faces of classic anime. His antics are the stuff of legends.

49. Hellsing
I have to thank TeamFourStar's abridged version for renewing my interest in this series that sort of stayed stale for a while. Now it's awesome with crazed Catholics, police girls with big cannons and Nazi Vampires vs the might of the British Empire.

48. Happy Lesson
An idea that shouldn't work, a harem where five beautiful teachers decide to mother a delinquent student; funny and charming, not bad for a former hentai game.

47. A Certain Scientific Railgun
A spin off from the Magical Index series, Railgun just focuses on Misaka, one of the most compelling female protagonists of recent years with the coolest super power.

46. Onegai Teacher
A romantic relationship between a student who stopped aging and a half alien teacher develops into one of the most interesting shows about adolescence and the often taboo subject of sex among high schoolers.

Top 100 Anime 55-51

And with this post I've just about made my midnight deadline GMT

55. G Gundam
Only Gundam could celebrate an anniversary year by ripping into it's founding robot forefathers. An insanely epic action show with some of the most off the wall mecha stuff you'll ever see.

54. Pumpkin Scissors
Definitely my favourite war anime, a compelling drama showcasing the damaging mental effects of being a specialist soldier and the often wide eyed idealist yet hypocritical aristocracy.

53. Super Sonico
This is how you do an idol anime, make her interesting, make her have relatable quirks and still make her appealing. It's also nice to see a plus size female lead for once.

52. Is This A Zombie
It's a harem yes, but it's quirks other than the fact that the lead is a walking corpse is the slient character Eu who speaks in notes, this backed up by silly fantasies makes it a joy to watch.

51. Digimon
While it makes for a better anime than it's rivals, it's real charm is it's ability to really tackle tough subjects, a rarity in a kids anime and certainly memorable.

Top 100 Anime 60-56

Some big names are going to start dropping so keep an eye out for your favourites.

60. Full Metal Alchemist
A series that can make you feel every emotion going and every action has weight to it, the only reason it's not higher is the treatment the original series gets.

59. One Piece
The ultimate pirate adventure that seemingly never ends, a shonen classic through and through.

58. Gurren Lagann
The epic that went one step beyond and broke the very cosmos, and it feels oddly human in it's message.

57. Medabots
With better treatment this could easily go further but I best remember it as the first dubbed kids TV anime in the west not afraid to be proud of it's Japanese background. Not to mention Metabee is awesome.

56. Restaurant to Another World
A series that showcases fantasy characters eating in a real world restaurant, it's easily the best anime about food and the interactions between it's stellar cast of characters, I only wish this was longer.

Top 100 Anime 65-61

My aim is to get to the remaining top 50 by the end of the night.

65. Kill La Kill
Delightfully over the top and not ashamed to showcase as much skin as possible. A delight to watch and one of the best action shows in recent years.

64. Trigun
The most pleasant yet most dangerous protagonist to ever come out of an epic anime action show. Vash just makes this show special.

63. Darling in the Franxx
A complicated story of children, demons and aliens mixed with complications of war, romance and politics, everything Evangelion should've been.

62. World God Only Knows
A dating sim champion forced to try his skills on real women, it not only works but the insane details that go into this is baffling.

61. Gundam ZZ
My favourite Gundam series for it's characters, and feels more authentic compared to the original and the unwatchable Zeta Gundam.

Top 100 Anime 70-66

Moving on.

70. School Rumble
A fast moving school comedy about a ditzy girl and the reformed delinquent who has a crush on her. Harima Kenji really sells his character which acts as the shows major strength.

69. Martian Successor Nadesico
Take Shinji Ikari, make him a space pilot and an otaku and you have yourselves a compelling sci fi comedy. It's amazing how much effort is put into the little things that often get overlooked in this genre and it's all brought together by the most underestimated battleship captain.

68. Gundam Wing
My first Gundam and for a while my favourite until I learned how good the originals were, but I think despite some bizarre story choices it still holds up reasonably well.

67. Fist of the North Star
The inspiration for many manly action heroes and an utterly satisfying watch even if it's aged horribly.

66. Hetalia Axis Powers
Personified countries playing with history and surprisingly accurate despite it's roots in comedy but then again making comedies on World War II is something we British do well so this works well in my country's humour.