Bat's In My Belfry

Kurotsuchi was sitting in his lab typing frantically away at his keyboard. He has feed his riddle to his main frame to help him solve it. As it were running the different possibilities for answers Kurotsuchi kept running the riddle through his mind as well.

“I live in a tower. High over fields and rooftops,” he rubbed his chin, “hm, a lot of things live in a tower and of course if it lives in a tower it is high above everything.” He went to the next line, “it has a heavy tongue and a great mouth that sings,” He shrugged, “no one I know sings. Except the dreadful singing of Captain Kyoraku, however, that is only when he is drinking.” Sits up straight with a surprised look, “which is all the time and his singing does hum in my ears. It’s so annoying.” He shakes his head to remove the thought and get back to the matter at hand. His riddle. “Doubt it is Captain Kyoraku. The song in the riddle is of birth, death, joy and sadness. It stated in the riddle that is what it was made for.”

He sat there silent for a little longer when his eyes opened wide. “Could it be? It doesn't actually sing it rings, but some may see it as singing. It does ring for birth, dead, joy and sadness. It lives in a tower high above everything, and oh how it does ring--,” Clears his throat, “Sorry hums in your ear.” He nodded his head and rose from his seat, “Yes it has to be it. There is one in the Junrinan in the West Rukongai district. I will go look there for my second riddle.” Kurotsuchi quickly left his lab off to seek out his second riddle.

Once at in the West Rukongai district he headed straight for the church in the middle of town. There high above everything and everyone, cresting the top of the building was a bell tower. He entered the church through the front doors. The occupants giving him strange looks as he walked past them.

“Excuse me, sir.” Kurotsuchi asked him, “but could you point me in the direction to the bell tower?”

Taken a back by Kurotsuchi’s appearance she said nothing just pointed above them. This annoyed Kurotsuchi as he rubbed a pinch between his eyes.

“Yes, I know it is up there, but how do I get to it? Baka.” Kurotsuchi replied.

The guy only shrugged his shoulders, this annoying Kurotsuchi even more. “Oh forget it I will find it myself.” He then walked away.

Finally, at the top of the bell tower Kurotsuchi found a small piece of paper stuck to the bell. He removed it unfolding the paper and read it aloud.
