
and by preview, I really mean the first couple of pages. Since thats all that is truly finalized.
this is also the part that my colleague Kura Neko Kun wrote.

A Painful Glance

I once heard from a bright young scientist that the people of this place have feelings and dreams just like I do. That they are not just some ragged fragment of what I used to call the worst kind of dream. I believe him now. And whether it’s because Al is here, or that it’s now 100% official that I can’t leave, it is still true no matter what. While I am confident in my choice to stay here as the price of my worlds safety, that does not erase the feelings of regret for leaving everyone I knew again. It was just like last time, But at least now I have Al with me.
I know I should be happy to have him here. Heck, I should be happy to still be alive, but...I miss Winry. I mean, I miss Teacher, Colonel Mustang, even Scar, but I miss her the most. That girl I’ve know for my whole life, And for all those years she slaved over giving me the best automail in Amestris. Winry... I think of her every morning as I put on my prosthetics, and every night when I look over in the corner of bedroom, the place where I keep the last set of Automail I got from her, on the last day I saw her.
It’s only been a year or so since I had returned. Al and I were living in the same house that the other Al and I used to live in. Noah would come and visit us every so often. She’d come to make sure we were still alive, and sane, But, only when she could find us at home. We spend so much time researching at the university, we are barely ever home except for a few hours of sleep.
It was late when I got back, Al had gotten in earlier and was already asleep. I was so exhausted from all the reading I had done, all I could think of was sleep. But that wasn’t enough to keep me from my nightly rituals. I threw off my thick brown jacket, white button down shirt, shoes, and socks, leaving only my black undershirt and pants. I ran my hand roughly through my hair to take out my ponytail as I went to the sink to brush my teeth. While brushing, I could only sigh at the bags under my eyes and spit.
As I was sitting on my bed, I slipped off my pants and began to retract my prosthetic arm and leg, leaning them against the bed. I looked up to that corner that I looked at every evening before plopping down to some well needed rest. I was prepared, ready to face them and think of her again, but when I pulled my head up there was nothing there.
My eyes widen and my muscles tighten as I spin my head frantically back and forth, scanning my room for their displacement. Nowhere. They were nowhere to be found. I hurriedly stood up, only to fall back down with me only having one leg. It only took seconds before I had reattached my leg, blowing off my arm in my urgency, and ran to Al’s room. I slammed the door open, yelling, “AL! WAKE UP! WHERE’D THEY GO?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?!”
Al’s eyes were wide with surprise and shock, an after effect of the jump he experienced seconds earlier. “What are you talking about, brother? It’s late…” Al’s eyebrows burrowed, confused and slightly angry.
“The AUTOMAIL, Al, the AUTOMAIL! Where’d you put them?” I ran my existing hand through my hair in frustration as I looked right at him.
“Automail? Oh, well, I haven’t touched it. I thought it was in your room where it always was….Brother, where is your arm?” Al answered as he realized what looked so weird about me.
“ Then where’d it go!!??” I exclaimed, ignoring Al’s question and stomping back to my room.
“It was here just this morning!! No one even knows what it is! What’ll I do??” I’m sure Al could hear me talking to myself in the room next to him. Because I could hear Al call as he sleepily made his way to my room, “Are you sure you didn’t leave them out when you cleaned them or something?” I turned to see Al in the doorway, rubbing his eye then raising his arms above his head to stretch and yawn.
“No, I was sure I put them right back here just this Saturday. They were just here!” I explained and repeated an exclamation. I was running in circles at this point, simply frantic.
“Well, can you at least put your arm on? It’s weird to watch you freak out with only one.” Al inquired calmly. “After we get some clothes on, we can go down to the pub and see if any of the guys have seen anything.”
I nodded and grabbed my arm and coat before Al had even got back into his room. I waited impatiently at the door tapping my foot and glancing at Al’s door a few times before finally calling back, “I’ll see you at the pub Al, I’m going ahead.”


Ok, The idea for this Fan FIction arose after I watched the Fullmetal alchemist move "Conquerer of Shamballa" Since I am an EdWin fan, I was really irritated at the end. Because you know, they're only left in separate freakin' dimensions with no hope of ever seeing each other again.
So I got this crazy Idea, What if he met the alternate Winry in our world? SO I went to my friend Kura Neko Kun since she has a bit of experience with writing fan fictions, She gave me a place to start and a general plot. I specialize in generating filler plot points to space out the major events.

As of now, It's still in the works, But I decided to create a place for it to be published and discussed and stuff.
Me And Kura will be posting Concept images for the Fan Comic we hope to make as well along with excerpts.

I hope you enjoy.

