Trope Writing 2: Magical Girl

We waited until the bell to signal passing time from one period to the next. We ran as fast as we could, Natalie with a slight limp, towards the school and prayed that we wouldn’t get caught by any members of authority. Or at least I did. Natalie probably wouldn’t have cared one way or the other.

I managed to run back to class, grab my backpack before Mrs. Henderson could ask me any questions about why I had spent nearly a half hour in the bathroom, and dash off to my last class of the day. Why couldn’t those outer-dimensional beings show up when it was convenient? Like after school, or during lunch? I mean, they did sometimes, but definitely not most of the time.

It was with utter relief that I slid into my seat. Immediately my eyes went to Laura who sat two rows in front of me and a little to the left. I have to say, it was a blessing to start and end every school day with her vision.

Throughout class, I worked extra hard to make up for the fact that I had missed most of fifth period. I took notes, didn’t doodle or doze off, and listened intently. Of course, the growing aches from my dealings with the monster helped with that. It was hard to feel comfortable enough to sleep when your body was throbbing.