Ramble Ramble

So like three days after my last blog post, I got laid off from my job. I don't really want to talk about that...but I'm unemployed again. With the loss of job came the loss of an excuse to read a lot. Most of the free time has been diverted to three things:

1) Looking for jobs.


2) Watching Inu-Yasha.

I was really into that show when I was younger. It was sort of the thing that launched me into otaku-dom. I never finished the story and, since I have nothing better to do with my life, I decided to re-watch it. All sorts of nostalgia. And a lot of "oh!" and rapturous staring because I've forgotten all the finer details so it's like watching the show for the first time. My brother caught me watching last night and said, "That show is so old," which I replied, "IT'S A CLASSIC!" But the fact that it was old didn't stop him from joining me for a few episodes. Have you revisited an old show recently?

3) Cosplay.

I am having way too much fun making armor out of paper mache (or however the heck you spell that...too lazy to check). Usually I make armor out of craft foam but these pieces were rounded so I tried a different technique and I've really enjoyed it. The whole costume itself is going a lot faster than I anticipated. Actually, it's taken me longer, in terms of hours, but it feels faster. For example, I thought the armor pieces would take me four hours to do. I'm at six hours now, and still not done. But whatever, it will happen.

That's it. I'm still plugging away at comic layout (do you remember this announcement?). It's about half way done. My editor has been a little slow at getting back to me. That will probably absorb my time after this cosplay commission thing is over.
