You Probably Don't Know This

To save myself from insanity via boredom, I come up with ridiculous things to do to keep me busy. My recent ridiculous decision is that I'm going to make a comic. Reasons for this being crazy:

1) I don't draw anymore. It's been a good few years since I've bothered to do anything beyond a tiny sketch

2) There's no consistency in my work at all

3) I don't know anything about comics

Thankfully, someone agreed to look over my layouts. I'm sure it will be a good learning experience, in terms of artistic ability (and my patience).

Speaking of manga, I decided that it makes for good bed-time reading. It takes about an hour to read through one, so it's easy not to get too sucked into it like with a novel. I finished all the novels that I have, so I've moved on to reading old manga series. Rurouni Kenshin is my current series. Ah, classic. I also just like Watsuki's style.
