Welcome, everyone! I'm glad you stopped by. Please, feel free to flip through the pages.


Work has this tendancy of eating my life. Was getting ready for bed one night and realized how messy my room is. I've got stacks of boxes litterally to the ceiling. My bed...oh, my bed. So I have a queen sized mattress but tend to sleep only on one size so half my bed is free. Right now it's covered with several journals, sketch books, chargers, art supplies, papers, and my laptop. Oh, and on most days, a cat. Yeesh. I need to clean. And learn how to multi-task....That would be good too.


So at work, I happened to look up at the right time to watch this guy puffing furiously on a cigarette while peddling up the hill (it's a very steep hill, mind) and obviously struggling. I almost laughed out loud. Seems rather counterintuitive.

Something I (Sarcastically) Love...

Went to hang out with a friend for his birthday, we got watching a movie. Two of my friends turn to this new guy and are like, "Don't talk during the movie 'cause [red:leaf] will kill you. [Red] hates it when people talk during movies." They say this as I'm sitting next to them. Apparently my violent personality can be used whenever people feel like it. And let's be honest, I'm not that violent. And I really don't hate people talking during movies...although it is highly annoying. I definitely wouldn't beat you for it.

I met with J., my friend directing the show. I was relieved to find that we were thinking on the same wavelength about design. He's also totally willing to let me play around with things too, which is nice. I just need to find the time to sit down and really think out some designs.

Took on a second job. Something that pays. Actually, it's the same August job I've had for the past two years. I'm finding it better this year than the last two times.

My cat (who is an indoor cat) has been really pushing to get outside so we've been letting her out into the backyard. I bought her a collar and a tag so she could wander around and be relatively safe. She spends a good deal outside, now that she knows how to get us to let her out. It is funny to listen to her jingling around with her new collar though.

It's August. Poop.


So a friend from school e-mailed me the other day. He's directing a show in fall and asked if I wanted to be his designer. I was super excited and said that I was definitely interested. I don't know the details of this job yet (we haven't gotten together to talk) but I REALLY want to do it. Oh my God it would be so awesome. And J. is a cool guy. I love working with him. I just hope I'm not too busy for this.

My internship is going well. I'm about three weeks through it. I've been enjoying it a lot, even though it's grunt work. People keep asking me if this is what I want to do when I get out of school. Man, I don't want to think about that now....

Otherwise, I've been slowly working myself through my bookshelf. I made it a goal of mine to read all the books I had and couldn't remember much about (meaning I haven't read them in forever). So far I've read 13 books. This tops my record for last summer!

I've also been self-teaching myself Japanese off this old, kind of crappy computer program. I'm hoping to learn the basics by the time school starts again.

Hmm, my birthday is next week too. I was thinking about taking the day off from work but maybe I won't....

Til next time, all.

It's a Good Thing

I landed myself an internship, working for the city. It's exactly the internship I wanted so I'm glad I got it. The downer part is that I'm working for free. Buuuttt...that's to be negotiated, I guess. I'm hoping something will come through.

I keep telling myself, "This is a good thing" but I can't help lamenting loosing my days to work. Maybe one day I'll get over that.

Finished The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake. EXCELLENT BOOK. The weird part wasn't as weird as I thought it was going to be.

I was wandering around here last night. Re-read Waste of Time. Oh my God, I love that comic. Then went browsing through my old stuff. Fan art and whatnot. Had to laugh at how bad some of my stuff is. My style has changed a lot since the last time I submitted things here. Still need to work on backgrounds. One day I'll work on those too. Whether anyone here will ever see them, that's another story....