
So a friend from school e-mailed me the other day. He's directing a show in fall and asked if I wanted to be his designer. I was super excited and said that I was definitely interested. I don't know the details of this job yet (we haven't gotten together to talk) but I REALLY want to do it. Oh my God it would be so awesome. And J. is a cool guy. I love working with him. I just hope I'm not too busy for this.

My internship is going well. I'm about three weeks through it. I've been enjoying it a lot, even though it's grunt work. People keep asking me if this is what I want to do when I get out of school. Man, I don't want to think about that now....

Otherwise, I've been slowly working myself through my bookshelf. I made it a goal of mine to read all the books I had and couldn't remember much about (meaning I haven't read them in forever). So far I've read 13 books. This tops my record for last summer!

I've also been self-teaching myself Japanese off this old, kind of crappy computer program. I'm hoping to learn the basics by the time school starts again.

Hmm, my birthday is next week too. I was thinking about taking the day off from work but maybe I won't....

Til next time, all.
